A good problem to have- I am 65, single, living with a great gal. I am have accumulated approx 2.1m in my rollover IRA. I am in the 15% tax bracket having a ladder of tax free muni's that bring in about 60k/year in tax free interest and maturing bonds thru 2020. Spend less than income.
I have been making Roth conversions to bring me up to top of bracket.
Short of spending the IRA down and/or making more Roth conversions that will push me into a higher tax bracket are there any strategies to consider that will keep me from a high tax burden at 701/2? Thanks
I have been making Roth conversions to bring me up to top of bracket.
Short of spending the IRA down and/or making more Roth conversions that will push me into a higher tax bracket are there any strategies to consider that will keep me from a high tax burden at 701/2? Thanks