Both 57yo. Both have IRA CD maturing soon. No need for IRA funds at this time.
Best scenario for taxes, please?
1)Lock in 5-7 yr cd?
2)Lock in 2 yr cd and start conversions @ 59.5, trying to have all converted by ss withdrawal @ 67? Eliminating taxing of both IRA and SS at the same time.
3) don't touch the IRA until 70, mandatory withdrawal with the assumption the IRA will be inherited funds to our beneficiaries at our passing?
Best scenario for taxes, please?
1)Lock in 5-7 yr cd?
2)Lock in 2 yr cd and start conversions @ 59.5, trying to have all converted by ss withdrawal @ 67? Eliminating taxing of both IRA and SS at the same time.
3) don't touch the IRA until 70, mandatory withdrawal with the assumption the IRA will be inherited funds to our beneficiaries at our passing?