Yes; that works. But if THEY lose your check, they will charge you interest until you prove to them that you paid them on time. Unlikely inasmuch as they have a dedicated site for any correspondence which includes a check but still possible.No problem for me. Anything I send to them, including my return, I send by certified mail. So I know when it gets there and have a receipt that it did. Some times the old ways work just fine.
The other thing, which may be more likely is that if Direct Pay or EFTPS is set up in advance, if for some reason you are unable to write and send a check, the payment will go through. This actually happened to me for my Q4 ES payment in January. As luck would have it I had an ER visit that ended up with a surgical procedure and hospital stay. My Q4 ES payment went on the date I had specified in April, 2023.