Is this a form of suicide?

I posted in 2023 that we vacationed in France for our 40th wedding anniversary, flying via United Polaris business class (I surprised her with that aspect of the trip). It was a great gift for DW since she had lived there her junior year in college, enjoyed it immensely, became fluent in French, but had never been back since (though she maintained her language fluency). I "got away" with a lot the rest of that year because of that trip 😂 .
I learned that Ruby is the 40th Anniversary gemstone so that’s what I bought.
I considered that, and may still get it for the wedding anniversary next year. Problem is she doesn't wear jewelry that often
Before our 25th anniversary DW announced she wanted to fly to a foreign country, do something fun every day, eat gourmet meals, enjoy fine drinks and enjoy a sunset over the water every evening.

So I booked us a fly in fishing trip to Canada in a 2 room cabin on a private lake in NW Ontario. We caught walleyes all day for a week. I got her a bottle of top shelf gin at the duty free shop at the border and shook her up a martini every evening. Each day we had 3 gourmet meals (fried walleye). Then we watched the sun go down over our own private lake.

We've gone every year since, sometimes twice.
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DH and I have almost always given/received "practical" gifts, things we needed and planned Toby anyway. We didn't have much to spare a majority of the time. And now, we have the means to buy most of what we want, but don't need, and still do the practical gifting. lol
I have all the jewelry I want, am not into gadgets, etc.
Last year, our anniversary/birthday/Chirstmas gifts were our trip to Hawaii with the kids/grands.
This year, DH recently got his special made Chris Reeves knife that he ordered a year ago. He wasn't expecting it for up to 4 years. so, that is his birthday/Christmas gift for 2025 :)
The young wife got a Juki coverstitch machine for Christmas. She picked it out, she wanted it and my job was just to say "Yes, we can easily afford it and you should get it (and some special attachment that I have no idea what it is)." I also secretly got her some long sleeve Life is Good shirts, which she has preferred for years, and some silver hoop earrings, which she continually loses. She got me two pairs of blue jeans, which I had requested.

She gets a lot more joy out of picking appropriate books for our 8 great nieces and great nephews (except the oldest one, who is now 17 and just gets cash).
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Celebrating our anniversary and our wedding day on Valentines Day. I looked back at G calendar "40 great years, .10 inch of rain". I wonder how I am still married.
Like many others said, we don't do gifts to each other anymore.

Recently, I've noticed that gifts from our kids (38 and 40) and the grandkids have all been LEGO! I've been given 2 of the Lego Botanicals and DH has received a VW Beetle, a Vespa and a McLaren race car.

I never had my own Lego before so these have been great fun!
Well I survived... She also got good news from her Chemo Dr yesterday, CT scan looks good, and we go to see the Surgeon for follow up today.
Well I survived... She also got good news from her Chemo Dr yesterday, CT scan looks good, and we go to see the Surgeon for follow up today.
Great news. Thanks for sharing old medic. Best hopes going forward.

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