It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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Ouch Wab, not fun at all.

Scale was down 1/2lb but like Wab my exercising stopped on Saturday 12/30 when I fell down my back steps during the only snow storm we've had in NE so far this winter. I'm still limping slightly but the bruising and swelling is going down, hopefully next week I can get back to where I was. Up to that point I had been down about 6lbs, even with the holidays. Strange how one second I was calling the dog to come back in and the next thing I know I'm laying there with him standing over me.
Wab - sympathy coming your way from Minnesota!

OK, I'm in for this... my best friend talked me into going to a personal trainer (she's paying - it's my Christmas present) so now I have to actually W*RK OUT at least 3x per week, weigh in every week and write down EVERYTHING I eat. Yuck. Hope the end result is worth it!! I don't consider myself overweight, but I am out of shape (read: getting older) so this is probably a good thing.

Stats: 46 1/2, 5'7", 142 lbs, BMI=30 (YIKES!). Goal is BMI of less than 25, weight around 135, and gain back the ability to take the dogs for a walk without them having to drag me home!!
SolidA said:
Stats: 46 1/2, 5'7", 142 lbs, BMI=30 (YIKES!). Goal is BMI of less than 25, weight around 135, and gain back the ability to take the dogs for a walk without them having to drag me home!!

Er, don't think so... height 5'7" weight 142lbs = BMI 22.2 (not 30.) Not that getting into better shape is a bad thing, but don't overdo the weight loss. Getting to 135 would give a BMI of 21.1 also good.
One thing I don't get about BMI, it doesn't seem to use your sex as an input. But a 5-9" man at 150# is going to be in a different place from a woman the same height and weight, unless she is unusually heavily muscled.

OK, I was at 195.8 today. Hey, that 0.2 pounds is 700 calories! I could have been better but my pattern is eating relatively well for most meals and then eating a bunch of extra calories for reasons other thank hunger.

Reasons to do more:

1. 20 year HS reunion this summer
2. Aches and pains that shouldn't be there
3. Clothes fitting
4. Keeping up with my kids

I will post next Wednesday, hopefully with better numbers...

My first Wednesday weigh-in. 173lbs. (down 2lbs for the week)

I celebrated by going out to the new Irish pub that opened up close by .. :angel:
wab, problem with rollerblading and mountain biking which i'm into (& did a nice endover two years ago) is that this stuff wasn't around when we were kids and more flexible. i don't even remember skate boards back then. when i do flat double track trails i don't even bother with a helmet. but when i'm on technical single track i put on my darth vader protection gear.

between you and outta, i'm wondering if maybe this thread isn't jinxed.

anyway, i hit the gym every day but one. swam three days and biked two. oh good, i only gained 1 pound.
lazygood4nothinbum said:
wab, problem with rollerblading and mountain biking which i'm into (& did a nice endover two years ago) is that this stuff wasn't around when we were kids and more flexible. i don't even remember skate boards back then. when i do flat double track trails i don't even bother with a helmet. but when i'm on technical single track i put on my darth vader protection gear.

Eh, I used to be a skateboard slalom racing champ as a kid. Broke my ankle once, but that was a shearing force. Roller skating seems more dangerous, since your feet will never take any of the load in a fall.

I tried to calculate what sort of energy was required to break my wrist. 200lbs falling from about 3 ft concentrated on an area of about a square inch. I found that the radius will fracture under a compression load of about 16,000 psi. But I couldn't figure out how to relate that to the energy of my fall.

Any mechanical engineering geeks in the house?
I am down 5 lbs this week.
I am not telling my initial weight (entirely too much) just yet... but I will when I lose these 30-40 lbs!

I need to get healthy for my wedding coming up in just 16 weeks, and to start thinking about having some babies!

Wab, so sorry to hear about your broken wrist!

OK, I'm down 1# to 134. Pretty much just from not drinking a beer or two every night, and exercising a little more. Each # after this gets harder...
wab said:
I tried to calculate what sort of energy was required to break my wrist. 200lbs falling from about 3 ft concentrated on an area of about a square inch. I found that the radius will fracture under a compression load of about 16,000 psi. But I couldn't figure out how to relate that to the energy of my fall.

:D :D

Wab: Been a tough winter in the PacNW.
wab said:
Today is wednesday. Where are all the numbers?
Three different scales say I weigh 186, 193, and 199. They're all quite precise, for whatever that's worth. Do I get to choose which one's the most accurate?

The postal scale says that my orthopedic knee braces weigh two pounds each. Here's a hint from our local postmaster: You don't have to be wearing them to figure out how much they weigh.

HaHa said:
One thing I don't get about BMI, it doesn't seem to use your sex as an input. But a 5-9" man at 150# is going to be in a different place from a woman the same height and weight, unless she is unusually heavily muscled.
BMI ignores both gender and musculature, so as a measure of health & fitness I'm not sure that it's worth much more than the convenience of a simple standard of comparison that should be combined with other factors like waist size.

wab said:
I tried to calculate what sort of energy was required to break my wrist. 200lbs falling from about 3 ft concentrated on an area of about a square inch. I found that the radius will fracture under a compression load of about 16,000 psi. But I couldn't figure out how to relate that to the energy of my fall.
Any mechanical engineering geeks in the house?
Yeah, upgrading from statics to dynamics means that the force is less important than the effective application of momentum & leverage! The fall probably only had to break a tiny part of the ossified matrix before the rest of it collapsed like a house of cards...

For example, was the injury a classic defensive wound? Would it have been avoided if you'd had the chance to execute a roll or at least curl into a fetal ball?
HEY JJ - I like your BMI better than my trainer's. Can I quit now, since I've reached one of my goals:confused:? :LOL: Hmm... wonder if his scale was off, too!!! (a girl can hope, can't she?!). Hope you all are doing well today on this challenge. Katie
inspired by wednesday weigh ins i have started laps at the swimming hall of fame in lauderdale. just got back from my 18-mile round trip bike ride there. i stopped swimming in my favorite pool when mom told me she couldn't handle it anymore. we swam there for years. then later, as she started to forget how to swim, the lifeguards kept good watch on her so i could do my laps. eventually she was just swimming with only one arm coming out of the water, then she was down to the breast stroke, then back to the doggie paddle and then that was it.

so, i'm a little sad but it felt good. it really is the most wonderful pool. mom loved it there. well, it's good to be moving forward. boy am i hungry.


Nice adjustable stem. I just got one of those, and it's great to get the handlebar height just right.

Thanks for the photos -- they make me want to go to a warm beach.
This is unreal Lazygood4! :D

In September of 1999 my brother took an advanced diving course just a short distance from your pool. We stayed in a solid concrete bunker type motel just off Seabreeze Blvd.(more on that later). Google map shows it's still there.

He took the courses and I just mainly lazed around the pool and the beach just across the road.

As you well know, that's when Floyd made a beeline for Ft. Lauderdale and at the last minute veered north. Half the motel buggered off and got caught in the rush upstate. The rest of us stayed. The owner said the motel was built in the 50's of concrete and could withstand a tidal wave.

Now to the funny part! :LOL:

As part of his training my bro had to train a newbie (me) for a novice dive, so we all went to your pool.

It was my first time in diving gear and I'm a quick study so everything went well.

The funniest thing though was swimming around the bottom of the pool and looking at all the hairballs, snot streamers, scabs, bugs and bandaids. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

The next day we all went out to the reef and I had my first dive. Amazing experience. Clear water and lots of coral and fish.

I really loved the public beach and walkway up to Las Olas and the whole city in general. The Jungle Queen riverboat was only a 2 minute walk from my place and I got to see some pretty nice mansions and a lot of humungus yachts. I went up to Butterfly World and both of us got to the big Sawgrass Mills Mall.

So my advice to you is stay on the surface at the International Hall of Fame swimming pool. :LOL:
TromboneAl said:
Nice adjustable stem. I just got one of those, and it's great to get the handlebar height just right.

Thanks for the photos -- they make me want to go to a warm beach.

come on down. the water's fine :) . that's a hybrid but i call it the cruiser. adjustability makes big difference. is set up for comfy upright bike rides to the beach or around town, also suitable for flat trails. i got it with a 1 size too small frame and keep the seat (on a quick release latch) high for me. i figured that way i could have friends with shorter legs borrow for easy trail rides or to head to the beach with me on visits. have a regular roadie for serious rides and a really fun full suspension bike for trails, single track or urban assaults. very handy for hopping curbs and cutting off traffic during peak tourist season or after a storm when roads are wet. that puppy's got hayes hydraulic disc brakes. hey, if it's good enough for a harley, it's good enough for my bicycle.

zipper, thanx for the gruesome details; i thought we sent you back to charm school. i assume you were training in the multipurpose pool, closest to the ocean in the pic. that pool is 4 ft lap depth on one end but 12 or 15 feet on other. so all the crap would wind up where you were. with hurricane on the way, perhaps they had other things to do besides vacuuming for you. generally the pools are kept quite clean. i normally swim in the tournament pool but was in the multi today. outside of some wind blown debris on the bottom, the water was crystal clear and clean. visibility excellent.

i used to know the jungle queen's owner's son back in college. he was a friend of a friend of a cousin of mine. my cousin had told me her friend lived in town. so of course i ran into these guys at a party in my room the first day i came to college. we played chess a few times after that but he could never beat me and his ego couldn't handle that. his parents had a nice house off the intracoastal with a 50something footer out back.

as to the huge yachts and mansions, those would be the guys who did not retire early (edit: and south americans parking assets.)
197.2 :( :mad:

I'll have to change tactics. I've been trying the "skip breakfast - eat out for lunch - binge on pizza at 10:30 p.m." approach, and that isn't working too well. Guess I should try doing what worked before (1500 calories spread evenly throughout the day, healthier foods, lifting weights).

tough week after dealing with realtors & mom's house. i get so sad when i have to go there. way too depressing. i'm not even getting on the scale. i'll try again next week.
171, down 2lbs on the week

Amazing what having a target date for weigh-ins will do. My target range is 168 - 172.

I just finished watching the first of a new series on BBC Americas (30 mins long) where they take a volunteer who is obviously very unhealthy, and medically estimate the person's heath age after a whole battery of physical and medical tests including blood work, scans etc. Then they put the subject on an 8 week program of change in diet, exercise with a personal trainer then go back and re-do the tests.

Athe start of this first week the 53 year old lady was very obese, had beginning stages of alcohol damage to the liver, fat on the heart etc. Life expectancy for the average 53 yr old woman is 85, her medical life expectancy was 65.

After 8 weeks she was transformed, reduced body fat including internal body fat on heart, waist size 34.5", etc. Liver damage already showing lots of improvement. New medical life expectancy 81. I hadn't realized how quickly you turn around decades of a sedentary heavy drinking lifestyle. the body really is remarkable.

the program is called "Turning Back The Clock"
Joining late but better late than never

48, 6', 200.5# after the holiday splurge and way too much business travel. My start date is 1/14/07. I live in a house with 3 skinny females that keep the cupboards full of fat and sugar. Nothing like a challenge. I'll weigh in next week.
No change over last Wed. I consider that a victory since I'm still not able to do any cardio work with my ankle.
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