Justice Dept Goes Snipes Hunting

I think it is worth noting in all that hand wringing about the US having more folks in prison than any other country, that sending high profile folks like Wesley Snipes to prison for tax evasion is very unusual outside the US.

I have never seen stats about international tax compliance, but I know it is expected that everybody cheats on their taxes in many European countries and most Latin American and Asian countries. My guess is that sending Snipes to the slammer is worth tens if not hundreds of millions of revenue to the American people.

I'd be curious to see examples of other countries throwing high profile people into prison for tax evasion.
Would have been nice if he'd stuck to his principles.

He started off with the "By law I dont need to pay taxes" thing and finished with "I was taken advantage of!".

Pretty stupid to be a high profile, high earning individual and not file tax returns. Put him in the category of Martha Stewart. The crime wasnt that horrible, but the stupidity/arrogance needs a just reward.

It is funny... a long time ago I had a close friend who kept saying that if you did not open a checking account or do yada yada yada... then you were not governed by the laws as you were a citizen of the world... or maritime law ruled or some other such nonsense...

Where he worked, there were many who did not have withholding, filed a return etc... he was thinking of doing it himself, but he was 'to late' as he had a checking account and filed tax returns...

Well, one of the worst was hauled into court and the lawyer who spouted this drivel was defending him... half way through the case, the lawyer decided to 'fess up' and made an agreement on his back taxes.... but the guy who listened to him got some jail time.... not sure how much, but it was more than Snipes...
I am sure he will be in a very minimum prison.. I had read there is one where the 'walls' are a painted line on the grounds.... this side you are in prison, the other side... escapee!!!

He will serve (IIRC from what I read), about 2/3rd in prison and then the rest at home like Martha.... with their kind of home, that ain't all bad...
I recall reading something:

In a court in Ohio, one of those 'no gummit above county' folks was pleading his case, and the judge said: " Are you just making this up as you go along?"
He got what he deserved. If for nothing else... being stupid.

The rest of us pay.... he can pay. Let's see. He will have to pay the money plus penalty and fine. 3 years in the pen... no movies during that time. This really cost him.
Wow, I read a bit more, and I *really* dislike this guy...

Wesley Snipes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Long list of stuff there, lots of things that just don't add up with 'I am an atrist - I don't understand all this business stuff like taxes':

In the late 90s, Snipes and his brother started a security firm called the Royal Guard of Amen-Ra dedicated to providing VIPs with bodyguards trained in law enforcement, military, and martial arts.[2]
"A September 24, 2002 DNC press release listed Wesley Snipes as an "artist who is supporting the event," which was a $6 million fundraiser where tickets ranged from $500 to $250,000."[32]
Critics have pointed out the irony of his support for the Democratic Party, whose policies favor the raising of taxes, whilst doing everything possible, including breaking the law, to avoid paying taxes himself on his large fortune.
Maybe that is not ironic at all. It seems to me that many Democrats are in favor of raising taxes the 'other guy' ;).

I thought he got 3 years and not 2 as stated in a previous post?
The Feds and Police do things just to embarrass people often. If he ends up serving a lousy 6 months or so then this was really one of those instances. He'll act sorry, they will smirk and pat each other on the back at the Federal watercooler, and he'll go on making millions. The only difference will probably be that he does pay his taxes on time from now on. God, but life is good for the rich and famous.
Need to cut Blade a break. I need to watch Blade 4 or 5 or 6 which one is it...

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