LastPass autofill not working on iPad and iPhone


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Jan 31, 2008
I use LastPass on my iPhone, iPad and Windows laptop. A couple of days ago LastPass autofill stopped working on the iPad and iPhone. I’m not sure when exactly but it was after the iOS 17 update, but not immediately.

At first it affected a few sites, now all sites. I’ve searched extensively online and have followed the most obvious recommendations. Apps uninstalled and reinstalled, checked and rechecked all the settings. Varied settings. Full reboots after every setting change. All to no avail.

The strangest thing is the autofill is working as usual on my Windows laptop. I didn’t realize how useful autofill was until it was no longer there.

Anyone else have this issue, anyone have any suggestions?
I'm not a LastPass user, but one common trick in situations like that is to go into Airplane mode and restart the phone. That sometimes resets your network connection.
Beyond that, sometimes there can be a conflict when your browser is trying to do its own autofill. You can turn that off in the browser and just let the app do its thing.
I am now out of ideas.
IOS 17.6.1 on my iPad and I just tried LastPass and it works fine. Don’t know what to suggest.
When you uninstalled and reinstalled, did you have to set it up from scratch? If not, the settings and other app data was preserved, which could be where the problem lies. I'm not sure how to do this on iOS, but on Android I would go to the app info panel, tap Storage, then clear all app data, then uninstall and reinstall. It could be the app data is corrupted.
Just got a new iPhone. I have a iMac and iPad. Lastpass works well on all three.
Thanks for the replies. Looks like the problem is on my end.

Cosmic A, I didn’t fully clear, that may be an issue. Lsbcal, I’m thinking about going to iOS 18

One of the shortcomings of using Google to troubleshoot is every issue brings up hits, meaning somewhere else someone is suffering from a similar problem, but that doesn’t make it pervasive or even confirm it’s the same issue.

This looks like a setting gone bad, either iOS, safari, or LastPass.
Since the major breech at LastPass I moved on to BitWarden. One cloud database works on PC, iPad and iPhone, Chrome, Safari and Edge. Not as seamless in adding new userids/passwords but is very secure and free. Export/import of passwords was easy. You can set it up to fill fields for forms that you don't want stored on 3rd party websites (credit card, bank info, etc).
I use LastPass on my iPhone, iPad and Windows laptop. A couple of days ago LastPass autofill stopped working on the iPad and iPhone. I’m not sure when exactly but it was after the iOS 17 update, but not immediately.

At first it affected a few sites, now all sites. I’ve searched extensively online and have followed the most obvious recommendations. Apps uninstalled and reinstalled, checked and rechecked all the settings. Varied settings. Full reboots after every setting change. All to no avail.

The strangest thing is the autofill is working as usual on my Windows laptop. I didn’t realize how useful autofill was until it was no longer there.

Anyone else have this issue, anyone have any suggestions?
Do you pay for LastPass? If you use the free version it only auto fills on one platform. Either iOS or Microsoft, you have to pay for it to cross platforms.
Do you pay for LastPass? If you use the free version it only auto fills on one platform. Either iOS or Microsoft, you have to pay for it to cross platforms.
I use the pay version and am considering changing to 1passeord.

For about 2 weeks I cleared the history and cookies daily, with no change, Then suddenly it changed and autofill is now working. Internet poltergeist and hobgoblins must be at work. It may also have been my pumpkin avatar scared them.

Anyway, case closed.
I use LastPass and I love it.
My first suggestion would be to contact LastPass. Their customer service is awesome. Some apps it does not auto fill, specifically my pharmacy app, in that case I go back to LastPass find the app and when I click on that it auto fills I forget why LastPass told me it happened.

But I would certainly contact LastPass. Customer service is amazing.
LastPass changed my life.
I use the pay version and am considering changing to 1passeord.
I moved from LastPass to 1Password and no regrets. It’s a more polished product. I always felt like LastPass was written by college students/interns, especially the UI.
I moved from LastPass to 1Password and no regrets. It’s a more polished product. I always felt like LastPass was written by college students/interns, especially the UI.
It has been a few years since I looked, but the prompt for things like modifying parameters for a new password was much more understandable in Lastpass. So at least for me, congrats to those interns for letting me stay in my browser session and complete the process. 1Password wanted me to start/switch away to another app to complete the change.

Bottom line, my 2cents has me sticking with LastPass for now but with enhanced vigilance to managing my master password. 1Password has been an excellent product otherwise and everyone should be congratulated for using any password manager.
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