Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Yes, in a situation where self driving cars are separated from general traffic, it should be relatively simple to insure (virtually) zero accidents. I agree - not in our life times, but some day.Probably not in my lifetime, but I can see where you can get close to zero accidents, if not zero.
Right now we are building cars to adapt to our infrastructure. Once self driving cars reach a critical mass, I would be surprised if we don’t build infrastructure around self-driving cars. At some point, you’ll have dedicated roads or sections of cities where only self-driving cars are allowed. When that happens, efficiency and safety will be much higher.
I always like to think about the amount of reclaimed land too. Much like privately owned cars have low utilization, the same is true for roads.
Self driving technology can only get better. I can imagine a time when every car (not just self drivers) have the equivalent of a transponder which helps to space cars and avoid accidents.
I also agree that the last 5% (or so) of improvements will be the most difficult to achieve.