Lifes intricacies that led to your FIRE

I have a BS degree in Systems and have worked as a software developer, a IT director, owned a business that did computer programming. Every job since college has been computer related.

Worked for Megacorp 18 years, then a consulting firm.

Opened/owned my own consulting firm as a Sub S Corp and ran it 13 years before closing it. Had three full time professional employees and several contractors during that time.

Now just consult to energy firms as a sole proprietor (winding down).

If I had it to do over again, I would not have wasted 18 years in Megacorp before owning my own company.
4 employers since graduating from undergrad all in the northeast US for 3, 6, 12 and 13 years each. Undergrad degree and MBA (paid for by second employer) and 3 professional certifications but only one of the three is widely recognized.

For last two jobs we lived in the same town that DW and I grew up in. All of us (DW, me, DD and DS) all graduated from the same HS (as did our parents), DW and I the same year (but we were not HS sweethearts).

With second and last employers I traveled a lot. For second employer covered Quebec, eastern seaboard, south and Caribbean. For last employer mostly London, Edinburgh, Sydney, Seoul, Hanoi and other places.

ER'd at 56.
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5 companies since college. I have an MBA. 49 yrs old. Retired at 47. Single never married.
Two engineering degrees. Worked for three companies. 7, 3 and 24 years for the last one. ER'd this year at 58.

Lived most of my life in the NW US. And plan to stay.

Always been focused on ER. Saved quite a bit, but lived quite a bit as well.

But the major factor for ER has been being married to the same DW for 30 years.

Also, this chart from Bill Bernstein suggests we were very lucky to enter the workplace in 1979.

No degree, just a diploma and a professional qualification. Worked in two countries, travelled for work to 5 countries. Worked in a few local firms and lastly with 3 large international firms on Fortune 100. Was awarded by one of it with a gold coin for 10- Year service. Currently alumni with the 3 large international firms. Two of which keep asking me to update them what I do now as they say their alumni members usually do great things. Didn't want to disappoint them that I am doing nothing as eventful like getting involved in politics or setting up a new business (as i read from the alumni updates) but just having an abundantly enjoyable retired life!
One company in the last 25 years prior to retirement. We had three mergers and continuous downsizing for 20 years. I had several career changes.

We relocated our family to another city to take a promotion. Those last eight years allowed me to FIRE at 59. My salary was frozen but I was given stock options and generous pay for performance bonuses. That, plus a termination packaged negotiated by counsel and reasonable DB pension did it for me. No looking back.
Thank you for all of the replies. As I can imagine many of your financial portfolios are, it looks like your life experiences and events are equally as diversified .
I have a masters degree, but mainly because I had the world's most patient advisor. It probably helped that he was a tenured full professor and innately kind.

My whole professional career was at one place and I never had to move (that comes now). I never owned a business, I don't think I'm cut out for it.
I gots a BA, an MBA, a CFA charter, and i are a commissioned bank examiner (bonus points and sympathy if you know what that is). DW has a BA, two master's degrees and more letters after her name than are in it. I worked 6 different jobs after college in 3 states. Only DW has owned her own business thus far.

We relocated a bit over 2 years ago to the city we wanted to retire in, courtesy of my employer via a transfer. I plan to quit in 100 days and esr.
Drank and chased women for 50 years, never worked, then won the lottery.
BSEE through the military.

20 years military then 2 jobs in civilian world. Last one with Megacorp for 8 years.

Have visited 27 different countries and lived in 7 different US locations.

Never owned a company.
Various PT jobs in HS and college. BA. Worked for one company. Started as a front line grunt. Ended up working at 8 locations in different roles. Lived in two countries while working for megacorp. In my last role and for my last 11 years at megacorp I reported to the global CEO. I lost count of my air miles and number of countries visited. I've had to replace passports twice (after adding as many pages as allowed) because it was so full there were no more pages for entry and exit stamps. Total time at my one career megacorp was 27 years. ERd in December.

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