<-- My avatar from now through June 17 is a countdown until my CC debt is gone. (The computer updates it automatically.) Payday is June 15, and through online electronic bill pay the normal delay is 2 days. So sometime on June 17, 2004 my CC debt vanishes.
After that I'll redirect all the debt reduction money to my relative and pay off the car by the second half of August .
I'll give my mom $1200 in September. She isn't expecting it, but I feel I owe it to her for a past favor.
After my mom's $1200 I will be 100% debt free!
By the way, it was tempting several times to take a penaltied withdrawal from my 401(k) / IRA to pay it off. 5 years ago when I decided to rid myself of the debt I had enough in my nest egg to pay it off and cover the taxes/penalties. Three reasons kept me from doing it:
- The taxes and penalties were prohibitively steep
- I couldn't "catch up" or recover the tax-deferred savings because of yearly contribution limits (opportunity loss)
- If I took this quick'n'easy way out, how could I be sure I could maintain a budget to not rack up the debt again? I did this before with a consolidation loan; I had credit card debt built up before it was paid off.
I gotta say it's a terrific feeling to have the debt almost gone and have already proven to myself that I can hold a budget that allows for debt reduction--which after the debt is gone becomes savings.
It's time to think about budget & savings!
Here are my immediate post-debt plans for after-tax money:
- Roughly split the freed income between 401(k) and my savings account
- Build up $5000 emergency fund
Short-term plans (up to a year):
- Open a Vanguard MM fund account for savings instead of keeping it in my CU savings
- Build up the emergency fund in the Vanguard account
Medium term plans (roughly 5 year outlook):
- Ideally target 18 months emergency fund since 18 months is the average IT professional's unemployment length
- Target maybe $10,000 for car replacement fund
- Target $40,000-$50,000 earmarked for house down payment and closing costs
The tax-deferred money will continue its current mix of Vanguard indexed stock and bond funds.
The above plan figures are rough guestimates at this time. For example I'm not going to have a $50,000 down payment in 5 years while maintaining all my other numbers. I expect my cash fund will be flexible for the forseeable future, and if I'm forced to buy a car or decide to buy a house I'll forfeit a few months of emergency reserve.
18 months may be a bit too much emergency reserve, anyway, since I'm now on an expense budget that can be maintained by a much lower-wage position at the cost of stopping savings contributions. Plus if I'm making much less money I won't be buying a $10,000 car with cash or buying a house.
I have a lot of budgeting and analysis to do, but I haven't been in the mood for it yet. (I can do math well, but I never enjoyed it.)
One thing that occurred to me while typing this post is that I don't have a medium-term investment vehicle in mind. I have long-term vehicles and cash reserve vehicles that I'm happy with, but I don't offhand know where I would put money that doesn't need to act as a reserve and won't be spent for 3-6 years. 100% bond funds?
You sound like you already have a budget. Is it a budget that you can live on for the next few years/decades, until you retire early? If it's a livable frugal budget and not solitary-confinement sensory-deprivation hell, perhaps you can just stay on that budget and let the savings pile up that much faster. Or compromise by flinging a few more percent into the entertainment section and saving the rest.
My plan was in fact your last suggestion of throwing some more to entertainment and saving the rest. The budget is livable but needs a little more fun and a couple of trips a year.
I had planned on just pulling vacations out of cash reserves, but now that I think about it I might be better off budgeting a separate vacation savings account to cap my expenditures or at least track them better. I don't have the interest or dedication to track expenses carefuly, but it's maintainable for me to budget a block of money and determine how far over or under the block I go; in this case the vacation account would be the audit device.