Lil' Ben Kills the Buck

Yeah. Quite a happening. Commodities have taken off. I hope these people know what their doing.. :LOL::hide:
It was described as "financial shock and awe" last evening on Mcneil Lehrer

I'm out of my league in all the twists and turns of international trade. However, I have to connect this with an appearance that the Euro countries aren't "doing enough" to restart the world economy. If the US does all the stimulus, we'll import more and they will get something of a free ride on our efforts. So maybe driving the dollar down is a feature not a bug in this program.
I'm out of my league in all the twists and turns of international trade. However, I have to connect this with an appearance that the Euro countries aren't "doing enough" to restart the world economy. If the US does all the stimulus, we'll import more and they will get something of a free ride on our efforts. So maybe driving the dollar down is a feature not a bug in this program.

It is definitely a feature of my program to invest in commodities and contra-buck stocks like PM.

In the 35 years or so that I have been watching US economic policies I think the Volcker Era was the only time that our policy was not run by mental and moral midgets.


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