Lock social security number with e-verify After starting to collect


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 13, 2021
My wife is currently collecting her Social Security. When I take Social Security, she will change to spousal payments in 3-4 years.

I am sure everyone is aware of the massive data breaches. Likely hackers have everyone's SS# by now.

It was suggested to her that she should lock her SS# so no one else can use it to get a job

Should I Create an E-Verify.gov Account To Lock My Social Security Number?

This article says that it is easily overcome by creating a separate account

E-Verify’s “SSN Lock” is Nothing of the Sort – Krebs on Security

On the surface, it doesn't look like it would hurt anything to do that. What I can't find is any info on what happens if you do it while collecting SS, or if that prevents others from using it to falsify their job application.

Any one done this or have any information on locking your SS# after you start collecting?
As you say, pretty much everyone's SS number is out there already. So too late to lock it as can be used by anyone say 359-23-4583 is my SSN.

I can see if someone gets a job using it, and earns a bunch, then SS could cut down the payment, so then a person would know to follow up to correct the issue.
The e-verify is the system employers use to validate SS#'s before they can be hired and use that number against wages. As I understand it limit the use of your SS# by someone using it to get a job who doesn't have one. It only lasts a year unless you renew it. So someone couldn't use it in the future, I have checked so far and there are no unknown payments.

I wanted to know if it would impact anything else like my wife's access to her SS Account since she is taking SS or our ability to change to spousal.
I think I would be much more interested in making sure you have lock downs on your credit with the major credit reporting services. Just yesterday, I received a letter from Chase saying my application for a new account was denied, due to a turn down by Experian. I never applied for anything.
I went to the site and clicked the Contact Us icon because I wanted to know if being retired and collecting SS for over 10 years would locking my SS # prevent me from changing the tax withheld from SS. What happened when I clicked the Contact icon was it opened a new tab and no way to contact them. After reading the Krebs article it seems it is worthless to do this.
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