Looking forward to real world investing experiences in this market


Confused about dryer sheets
May 1, 2013
Rocky Mountain High! Just retired at 62 this week. I am curious as to how some of you are investing these days to create an income stream in this crazy market. I am hoping to get some real- world insight into what is working and not working. I have 1.3 milliion to invest. Approximately 30% is in the market and the rest is looking for something to do.

Lay it on me!

Many thanks,

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On my Vanguard side I have
40% Wellesley
40% Wellington
20% Vanguard Target Retirement Fund

On my Fidelity side I have
50% Fidelity Spartan Short-term Bond fund (FSBAX)
33% Fidelity Spartan Total Market Index Fuund (FSTVX)
10% Fidelity Spartan International Index Fund (FSIIX)
7% Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund (FEMKX)
Take a look at:

FPBFX - Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund.

Also take a good look at etf offings on preferred stocks.
On my Vanguard side I have
40% Wellesley
40% Wellington
20% Vanguard Target Retirement Fund

Mine is similar to Bob's above, although a little heavier to Wellesley and a little lighter to Wellington. You get a nice mix of equities and bonds with a mix like this, which reduces portfolio volatility somewhat. I am under no illusion that this current bull market is going to continue upward forever, though, so I watch things closely. If things change, I'll make some changes to protect myself.
Welcome aboard. There is no universal approach, but these come as close as any I know of for a good place to start with passive investing Lazy Portfolios - Bogleheads. The active investors here (a minority?) may have other recommendations.
What is your AA? Do you have other streams of income other than from this nestegg?

My point is that you need to think of this "what to invest in" question holistically as part of your overall retirement plan.

FWIW, I'm a little younger than you and my target AA is 7% cash (~2 years of living expenses), 42% domestic equities, 14% international equities, 28% domestic fixed income and 9% international fixed income.

That said, IMO Wellesley is a fine choice for income investors.
What international fixed income do you invest in? I've been looking for international bond funds, but don't see any in VG, therefore need to expand my search.

Nothing right now (note that I said target AA, not actual AA :D) but I plan to move that amount to the Vanguard offering once it comes out. Been waiting a while but I think it should be out next month. I could have gone elsewhere, but all my stuff is VG so I have been lazy.
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