MacBook purchase now second thought, iPad may be better?

I have the new Macbbok air 15 inch, as well as a newer large ipad and Iphone. At home I have a 32 inch monitor, full keyboard and mouse, that I run with the laptop. I use the ipad for just cruising around and reading books on Libby / Kindle etc. When on vacation I take the Macbook along with a mouse and find that works great for excel and word, that I often use.

I used to have PC stuff years ago when I worked, but have completely switched over to Mac which is so completely integrated it is unreal. Love this apple stuff!
I love my MacBook Air, 13". I use it mostly for browsing the web, like this forum. I like to type on it, so when I do messages and emails, I like to use my Mac. I have a mini iPad, but I much prefer my MacBook.
The last couple years I’ve only taken our iPad with us to snowbird and found doing TurboTax was pretty easy. The only thing the whole year I used our iMac mini was to do the Christmas letter!
I like my MacBook better than the iPad unless I am traveling. Adding a Bluetooth keyboard to the iPad makes it closer to a laptop but, it’s still not the same. OTOH, based upon what I know the iPad is more secure especially when using the APPs.
I dont drink the apple koolaid...
My wife purchased me a 13 MacBook Air in 2010-2013?
Well it finally couldn't keep up anymore & become unstable after an entire reformat / reset last year...
Purchase another13" m3 MacBook Air....
Ive converted as these things last forever & just work..
I have zero interest in a touch screen & have to have a keyboard, this works for me.
I also think the MB Air is so light it is a iPad with built in keyboard and runs full apps. I also use a kindle, as beach reading is so much better. But then, why iPAD? They have a place but the MBA is so slick, great battery life, it really displaces much of need for iPAD. Unless you have both already. If I didnt have kindle I'd add IPAD. But I left many Kindles and early iPads in airplane seatbacks...
If you use a keyboard its a no brainer for me, the laptop. Have an ipad and bluetooth keyboard, not the sane as a laptop
Wife and I both have MacBook airs and iPads, iPhones. They just work. Replaced my iPad and her MacBook on my last trip to the US where prices are 1/2 what they are here and the newest models are available. Ours were 8 &10 years old respectively which is pretty good in the tech world

We both like our spreadsheets and they are hard to manage on iPads. iPads are great for streaming, travel, books, reading the paper, email etc. We also control many things in a Smart Home and with apps and the phones and iPads are great for that. Online banking gets done on both the MacBooks and other devices. We also get most of our mail, bills etc electronically so use the MacBook for easy filing, printing storing. I know you can do it on the iPad but it isn’t convenient like the laptop.
I hardly ever use my ancient iMac any more. Partly because I don’t do much other than email/texts and surf the web and partly because it’s so old it can’t run a lot of newer software. My wife and I each have iPads that we use for almost everything. I’m feeling like I should have something more than just the iPads but I’m not sure if making more intelligent use of iCloud and using the iPads might suit our needs. If I were to buy something else it would be either a low end Apple laptop or desktop - a bit over $1000 each. The desktop is probably a better choice because I don’t see much of a need for portability beyond what the iPads can do. I’ve let my attention to good organization of photos/documents slide in recent years, so. I’d have a lot of reorganizing to do with either the laptop or desktop. In all honesty, at almost 80 I’m starting to feel like an old fart who’s having an increasingly hard time keeping up with new dangled technology.
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