Magic Mouthwash


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Dec 30, 2008
My oral surgeon mentioned Magic Mouthwash to me. I had never heard of it, and he gave me a prescription for viscuous lidocaine. In a small cup you mix equal parts of lidocaine, maalox, and benadryl. You swich this around in your mouth (don't swallow) for a minute. Spit it out, and don't rinse.

More details and formula are here: Magic mouthwash: Effective for chemotherapy mouth sores?

The maalox or mylanta leaves a coating in the mouth, and the other ingredients are suspended in that, so the soothing and protective effect lasts longer than just a spot application to an area.

I really suffered with mouth elcers and other mouth irritations for a long time. With immunotheray things really get out of hand, making life more miserable.

Some may get similar solutions pre-mixed by pharmacy. We bought the ingredients, and I'm using one of the small 20 mL cups to make a batch. Then use a small amount. Repeat in an hour or whenever necessary.

BTW, you don't want to use any Kaopectate. And you shouldn't swallow.
Never heard of it, so I looked it up! Looks like Mayo Clinic recommends it for exactly what you’re suffering (poor you…) but they said you could swallow it(I would not!) best of luck to you. 🤞🏻
Never heard of it, so I looked it up! Looks like Mayo Clinic recommends it for exactly what you’re suffering (poor you…) but they said you could swallow it(I would not!) best of luck to you. 🤞🏻
I'll reread that one. The details do change by article. I recall one article was specifying damage further down the tract. In that case, maybe swallowing is required for relief?

As we know, more words may just muddy the waters.

Thanks for listening.
DH was prescribed that in his last months. He had Acute Myeloid Leukemia and his immune system was badly compromised so he was on a mix of antibiotics, anti-virals and ant-fungals, which naturally were at war with each other. Eventually he ended up with fungal infections in his mouth. Magic Mouthwash helped.
We use MMW all the time in pediatrics as stomatitis (mouth ulcers and fever often caused by HSV) is a common viral infection most little kids get at some point. Works great in conjunction with Tylenol and ibuprofen for pain control to keep them hydrated.
Here is an article that tries to persuade you that magic mouthwash is hogwash.

They list possible ingredients of magic mouthwash. I think this is helpful because the formula varies quite a bit, as I am reading.
  • Anesthetic, for pain relief
  • Antacid, in the form of a thick liquid which helps the other ingredients coat the insides of your mouth
  • Antihistamine, to reduce discomfort
  • Antibiotic, to kill bacteria
  • Antifungal, to reduce fungal growth
  • Corticosteroid, to treat inflammation
  • Other agents including, in some cases, alcohol

And of course the company has an alternative. Their view is that you need a special mix with glutamine to help promote healing.

"Healios® is an oral mucositis mouthwash that works in a different way. Its main ingredient is glutamine, one of the body’s 20 natural amino acids that make up the building blocks of protein. Glutamine also plays an essential role in both the growth of new cells and the repair of damaged cells."

Just FYI.
Like Steve prescribed often. Always the combination op had. Not any of the other ingredients listed above. Patients seemed satisfied with results
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