I'm John, am 38 years old, and managed to semi-retire early. I worked my butt-off in high tech jobs for around 15 years. I made very good money, I saved regularly, invested aggressively and conservatively, and managed to take advantage of a few lucky breaks.
My tips/philosophy (no order):
- save, save, save and invest
- don't waste your money on things you don't really want or need
- don't buy fancy cars or houses - buy a Honda or Toyota and drive it 15 years.
- save on insurance whenever possible
- invest aggressively and conservatively
- pay attention to taxes
- diversify
- look at your investments/portfolio in the aggregate, never focus on individual stocks, funds, or sectors.
- buy 'things' that you enjoy. Find hobbies and activities that are not very expensive.
Recommended financial authors:
William Bernstein
Benjamin Graham
- enjoy all the things I like to do, and never had time to do when I was working 60 hours a week.
- read and learn
- work in areas that make a difference to people and society
- preserve and grow my portfolio so that I'm never a slave to money
What I'm hoping to learn here:
- investment tips
- livestyle tips
- spending tips
What I can contribute
- investment advice
- lifestyle tips
- spending tips
Biggest gripe:
* Health insurance is an issue for me. I'm finding that decent insurance is very expensive, and extremely limiting. The medical/insurance situation in this country is very broken. The quality and number of policies available to you depend on a) your employer, and b) the state you live in. If you are a young retiree, it's very difficult (sometimes impossible) to benefit from group rate insurance policies.
I'm John, am 38 years old, and managed to semi-retire early. I worked my butt-off in high tech jobs for around 15 years. I made very good money, I saved regularly, invested aggressively and conservatively, and managed to take advantage of a few lucky breaks.
My tips/philosophy (no order):
- save, save, save and invest
- don't waste your money on things you don't really want or need
- don't buy fancy cars or houses - buy a Honda or Toyota and drive it 15 years.
- save on insurance whenever possible
- invest aggressively and conservatively
- pay attention to taxes
- diversify
- look at your investments/portfolio in the aggregate, never focus on individual stocks, funds, or sectors.
- buy 'things' that you enjoy. Find hobbies and activities that are not very expensive.
Recommended financial authors:
William Bernstein
Benjamin Graham
- enjoy all the things I like to do, and never had time to do when I was working 60 hours a week.
- read and learn
- work in areas that make a difference to people and society
- preserve and grow my portfolio so that I'm never a slave to money
What I'm hoping to learn here:
- investment tips
- livestyle tips
- spending tips
What I can contribute
- investment advice
- lifestyle tips
- spending tips
Biggest gripe:
* Health insurance is an issue for me. I'm finding that decent insurance is very expensive, and extremely limiting. The medical/insurance situation in this country is very broken. The quality and number of policies available to you depend on a) your employer, and b) the state you live in. If you are a young retiree, it's very difficult (sometimes impossible) to benefit from group rate insurance policies.