Mark Fuhrman: Grand Jury Should Probe Terri Schiavo Case


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 12, 2005
Reprinted from

Friday, July 1, 2005 9:02 a.m. EDT
Mark Fuhrman: Grand Jury Should Probe Terri Schiavo Case

Famed detective Mark Fuhrman is calling for a grand jury probe of the Terri Schiavo case, saying there's no other way to get to the bottom of the unexplained 1990 collapse of the then-26-year-old woman.

"I want a grand jury investigation," he told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity on Tuesday, adding that Schiavo's parents also favor the move.

Fuhrman, whose book "Silent Witness," hit bookstores this week, said that if Florida prosecutors decline to convene a grand jury probe, the Justice Department should step in.

He asked, "Were Terri's civil rights violated? When I looked at this case, she never got the due process of a death row inmate."

A similar investigative book by Fuhrman, "Murder in Greenwich," is credited with forcing Connecticut prosecutors to reexamine Martha Moxley's 1975 murder, resulting in the conviction of Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel.

In the Terri Schiavo case, Fuhrman said most of the questions revolve around her husband, Michael and the conflicting stories he's told over the years.

"Michael Schiavo can't seem to remember anything consistently," he told Hannity, citing discrepancies in his account of his reaction to Michael's wife's collapse and the time he called paramedics.

"We have to have Michael Schiavo sit in front of a grand jury," the famed detective urged, noting that Schiavo has refused over the years to be questioned under oath in a deposition. "[A grand jury] is the only way to investigate this case."

Asked if he'd ever seen a case with so many unanswered questions, Fuhrman told Hannity: "Yeah, it's called Martha Moxley."

Editor's note:
Terri Schiavo - Mark Fuhrman Investigates ... Go Here Now

Sorry, riskaverse. Didn't mean to upset you.

What are the topics that need to be avoided in the "Other Topics" board to avoid the "t" word? Since you are clear on this, why not post a list?
Art said:
Sorry, riskaverse. Didn't mean to upset you.

What are the topics that need to be avoided in the "Other Topics" board to avoid the "t" word? Since you are clear on this, why not post a list?

Nope, "Other Topics" should be just that. If there is a subject I happen to disagree with, I still see no reason why you shouldn't post it, as long as it avoids commercial content.

"Not only is it extremely cruel to persecute in this brief life those who do not think the way we do, but I do not know if it might be too presumptuous to declare their eternal damnation."
riskaverse said:
Wasn't someone looking for the definition for Troll?

riskaverse was not saying he could not post this. But he is correct, this is a great definition of a Troll.

I have nothing against Trolls posting. - Heck, I even do it myself!

I will defend to the end Art's right to post ridiculous subjects. :D
Sorry, riskaverse. Didn't mean to upset you.

What are the topics that need to be avoided in the "Other Topics" board to avoid the "t" word? Since you are clear on this, why not post a list?

Didn't say it needed to be avoided, or didn't belong here or that I'm clear on a list of topics.
Didn't upset me either.

Said it looked like a troll to me.  This would be the right place for it.    
Cut-Throat said:
I have nothing against Trolls posting. - Heck, I even do it myself!

I will defend to the end Art's right to post ridiculous subjects. :D

Much obliged.
Furhman is a "famed detective"? Sorry, I lived in L.A. when he single handedly got O.J. Simpson out of murder convictions. Why do cable news channels take total screwups and turn them into celebrities (Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, Geraldo Rivera, now Mark Furhman). Furhman is on tape dropping the N-bomb repeatedly, botched evidence handling, among other things, buyer beware on that source.
Laurence said:
Sorry, I lived in L.A. when he single handedly got O.J. Simpson out of murder convictions. 

Laurence, I watched that trial too- the only problem I remember with Fuhrman was his taped use of the "n" word in front of a jury that was going to free OJ despite a mountain of evidence, to teach the LAPD a lesson.

What evidence did he botch?
I forget the exact term used, but he failed to properly document the transfer of evidence from the crime scene to the lab. O.J. was guilty as sin, and the jury was stacked in his favor, but my uncle is in L.A. law enforcement as was steamed as hell he gave them such an easy out on the evidence. Cochrian (may he burn in hell-just kidding....sort of) was remembered for "if the glove doesn't fit, you must aquit" but he also pounded on the evidence lab saying, "garbage in, garbage out" so the fact that Furhman left the door open to evidence tampering between the crime scene and the lab left an opening for reasonable doubt.

I know you have strong feelings on the Terri Shaivo case, it's all good there, but Furhman was an jerk, and even his fellow officers knew it.
I'll take your word for it. I remember a ton of screw ups with Fong, Van Atter, and others... but not Fuhrman. I could be wrong.
Don't get me wrong, I empathize with law enforcement and I go crazy when a slick, overpaid defense lawyer gets a murderer off on a technicality (see my well wishes above) but his name was mud after that trial in L.A., and yet now he is a pheonix from the ashes.

The thing in common between these two cases (O.J. and Terri) is that these are perfect examples of how we still have a "justice for some" system in the U.S.

If O.J. worked at Taco Bell, he'd be touched up with a needle on death row by now, and if there wasn't political hay to be made from Terri Shaivo's case, I wouldn't even know her name.
Laurence said:
if there wasn't political hay to be made from Terri Shaivo's case, I wouldn't even know her name.

True (although I suspect we disagree on the political hay being made).

And yet... not at all mutually exclusive with the possibility that Michael Schiavo got away with murder or manslaughter... so far.
What I want to know is how do we(the taxpayer) get royalities, trademark protection and cut of the book, movie revenue - on the evidence, transcripts, courtroom tv, etc.,etc. - to get some of our tax money back that we spend on all this junk. Both civil and criminal.

Deep Throat may be unmasked - but it would be nice if someone picked up the gauntlet and "followed the money."

As a taxpayer - it would be nice to see my cut.
All Fuhrman is doing is pointing out inconsistencies and raising questions that have never been asked of Michael Sciavo. He's not a "source" of information. The questions I've heard (haven't read the book) are fascinating.
Didnt see anything that wasnt asked and answered. Some people just like to keep asking in case the answer changes.

Thats the definition of insanity...doing the same things over and over again and looking for a different result.

But I'm sure you have 'sources' that are telling you that there are new and unasked questions that everyone up to the POTUS forgot to look into when they turned this rock over so many times that its worn out.

So who is it? A chinese spy?
Thorough questions relating to the night of the "accident" were never asked or answered. Schiavo's story is inconsistent. He has never accounted for multiple inconsistencies. As usual, you are uninformed.
You're right art, the police didnt do their jobs. Just whiffed on it. All questions HAVE been asked and answered. There are just a few nutcases that wont let it go.

Perhaps i'm uninformed, but i'm not a liar and I dont make up sources. I also fulfill my end of a bargain when I make it. Oops, three're out!
Notth said:
Perhaps i'm uninformed, but i'm not a liar and I dont make up sources.  I also fulfill my end of a bargain when I make it.  Oops, three're out!

Alright, numbnuts. I'll start a thread to show the negative impact of illegal aliens on our health care, criminal justice and education systems. You are quite the retard!
The majority of people who start up these illegal alien complaints are either racists or people trying to get money from the government or private sectors to 'combat the problem' that nobody can show actually exists.

As I dont think you're looking for funds, we can add racist to gullible, lying, source inventing, and beating dead horses unrecognizable.

On my way out, let me point out that I read several quoted sections of fuhrmanns book. The first three points he brought up were simply incorrect. Factually incorrect. The next three were assumption based on zero, I mean zero data. The next three covered territory already investigated and conclusively cleared.

He could have incorporated an entire chapter about how space aliens came down from another planet, helped her husband suffocate her, then used advanced technology to fool EVERYONE involved for a decade+ long would have been about as salient and credible.

Hope he makes plenty of money on sensationalism surrounding sale of this book. But its closer to a piece of fiction than an 'investigation'.


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Notth said:
As I dont think you're looking for funds, we can add racist to gullible, lying, source inventing, and beating dead horses unrecognizable.

To be fair, I don't think asking for more control over immigration is "racist" - I'm all for letting as many people in as possible - just legally.

On the other hand, if Art says he doesn't want any "Sombrero-wearers" of any kind, well, that would be different.
According to numbnuts, anyone opposed to illegal immigration is a racist. And any source he disagrees with is a liar. This is why I lost respect for him and his worthless posts a long time ago.
moghopper said:
To be fair, I don't think asking for more control over immigration is "racist" - I'm all for letting as many people in as possible - just legally.

I'll freely admit that this is nothing more than an opinion. I've heard this "dang illegal aliens is eatin up all of our health care money" opinion before. I have yet to wrangle any person making this statement to provide any viable or reasonable source for their opinion, and at some point, they almost always lean right into some racist comment. It appeared to me that they almost universally started with a dislike for illegal aliens, usually mexicans, and sought out 'facts' to support that predisposition.

Call me silly, but I read the facts, see if they're in fact factual, then try to form my opinions based on those.

I cant say if terri schiavo's husband is a murderer or not. There are insufficient facts to say that he is, or he'd have been charged and convicted. That everybody in all three branches of government turned this thing over endlessly for ten years without finding criminal intent is good enough for me. If Art actually had any real information, I'd have wanted to hear it. He's got nothing. Mark Fuhrmann has nothing.

I cant say if conditions in china are as bad as the propaganda we've been fed for decades with regards to the 'red menace'. I suspect plenty of bad stuff happens there. Plenty of bad stuff happens everywhere. But at least I dont make up fiancees or relatives to prove a failing opinion.

I dont know if we spend millions or billions on illegal alien healthcare. Neither does anyone else. Not one scrap of anything that Artie posted has any actual factual information about this. Even if these sources did provide factual data...I dont know that any proposed solutions wouldnt cause more harm than good.
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