Medigap Plans and Additional Benefits


Recycles dryer sheets
Oct 29, 2017
Some medigap policies are now providing additional benefits that the say are "free." UHC for example offers Renew Active for free. Does anyone know how UHC is compensated for this expense? Stated differently is it really free?

If it is free to the beneficiary does this mean that beneficiaries that do not take renew active are also paying for it in their annual rate?

I looked at Renew Active as part of my premium. Once I knew my desired fitness facility was included, I compared the costs of UHC coverage with /without Renew Active. The premium UHC requested made financial sense given the cost of picking an N plan without it. We had Silver Sneakers in our old plan.

I am also hopeful that another facility I use will also add Renew Active to their list. They did accept SS saving $10 per use of the facility.

Unfortunately RA is a new program that has not caught up to SS. I wrote to them requesting they reach out to facilities not listed (eg above). They have a form online. I did that for a couple of places I use but have not checked if they have been added.
My AARP has two plan G and two plan N alternatives that are between $10-20 different in monthly cost. One has gym use and one doesn’t.
LIke Dash said.... there was nothing 'free' when I signed... the premium for the gym cost more than the gvmt mandated one...

My gym is only $10 so I did not buy it...
My old Plan F does not have any gym membership. But, the cost is lower than others and the coverage is great. I rarely pay for any medical care between Medicare and the gap insurance. Virtually no restrictions on doctors and other medical professionals as long as they participate in Medicare, which most do.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I signed up for AARP/UHC Plan G. it was only $30/month more than the cheapest Plan G provider for my county. Our YMCA was the only local option for the gym benefit and since the Y charged $70/month for individual membership, it made financial sense for me to use the Plan G benefit. Additionally, I was able to save nearly $1000 in 2024 using the Dentegra Dental discount program also offered by AARP/UHC Plan G.
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