A couple of quick points:
1) no, i cant find the shift key all the time...pretend i'm whispering
2)midpack-she never really said, but is sticking to her guns that equities isnt the place to be right now (as she told me in july) . all cash, frm my pov is money markets, high yield checking or the like until the dust clears...
3) the 6 months she referred to is the numbers reports....from the data they analyze, she claims its guaranteed to be all bad housing reports, builders reports, foreclosure #'s etc for that time frame, which is the longest they can predict assuredly with the data they have. of course the whole thing will take longer.
4) nords-maybe i wrote it wrong...but the lack of demand isnt on the financing/refi side, but the number of homes for sale vs. the demand to buy them...all 67 (or whatever)% of people who can afford homes, have homes. the housing stock is piling up which will keep the prices trending downward
5) i never said i believe this woman or put much merit into anything she says, but it's interesting to talk to someone who's making $$ by analyzing this stuff.... to her defense,she did advise me to get out of equities totally in july, and i though she was nuts....she said the proverbial $@!# was going to be hitting the fan, and it did. our whole conversation basically revolved around me and my personal investing goals....the point she was trying to make is WAIT a little while longer to buy another rental,they will be getting cheaper, and there will be fewer able to buy due to the new lending criteria- cash is king