I don't quite have a plan yet, either, but three years ago, I was an overworked, overcooked workaholic with a husband who could not or would not make a decent living. I had been funding my retirement accounts steadily, though not to the max.
Two things happened. I got rid of the husband (although first I made him get a job and stop pretending he ran a business), and my sister died, leaving me a very nice, roughly half-mil nest egg.
I realized, 1) If your sister can die at 47, you can't count on living forever, and can't wait for "later" to come to start having a life outside of work, and 2) I now had enough money to start thinking about how to get out of the rat race.
I quit my job, a jworkplace full of wonderful, dedicated, hardworking, underpaid people, and went into business for myself. I'm a psychologist, mostly doing evaluations for the courts, and I make more money working about half time than I did working 50 hours at that job.
And I started to get serious about learning about finances. I'm looking into buying real estate, putting all the cash into a nearly maintenance-free Vanguard arrangement, finding work that I like that I can do on my own terms. Life is sure different. I go back to the old workplace twice a month, to consult, and as much as I love all my old colleagues, I sure am glad to be out of there.
It'll take me a while to accumulate enough to ER. I have one to put through college; she's almost 15 now. But I am not waiting until I can live off of the net worth, I'm learning some of the ER lessons right now!
Mike, you and your wife have done an amazing job to save all that money, and you will no doubt be very comfortable when you do leave work. But don't work yourselves to the bone between now and then!