85% Target Retirement 2015 - 15% in der vid u all - ahem er ah STOCKS! - yikes.
I need a new doc - they say when I post at the Bogleheads - one should be under 10% or maybe even 5% to be 'truly healthy'.
Diagnosis of 'dirty market timing' can get a tad squishy - as I understand it one can get - free passes for - balanced index, Target, even 'well disciplined ' regular rebalancing slice and dice. Individual stocks tend to get lost in the debate.
ok so my age age 64 Target should 2005 and I try to hold my dividend stocks 'forever' - for the dividends - don't you know.
I could quit 'anytime' and besides I haven't seen any Interventions for dirty market timing on my cable channel yet.
P.S. Even my Lifestrategy mod had 25% Asset Allocation - their excuse - a quant model. Or just throw in the towel and get the latest Ben Graham's Intelligent Investor edited by Jason Zweig and bogey between 25 - 75 individual value stocks. Be sure and reread Bernstein's 15 Stock Diversification Myth for grounding from time to time.
So there.
heh heh heh - massive doses of index or balanced value(low turnover of course) help as noted before. Balanced index, Lifestrategy, Target, Wellington, Wellesley, Dodge and Cox - use only as prescribed by your doctor.