Need a Good Name


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 23, 2005
I have another company in the start up stage, but I am striggling to come up with a good name. So I thought what better resource than you guys - a group of very smart, motivated and creative folks with plenty free thinking time!!!

The company will be involved in the engineering and construction business, wlll offer a specialist software application to link and share common project infomation, will be web enabled to allow full functionality for users without without their own computing capacity above pc level. I am trying to hit a name that doesn't sound "dot com-ish", but gives an image of sound reliability, infers the networking/integration aspects, and has some reference back to the construction trade. I am asking a lot, I know, but the right name is out there!!!!

Any takers for this task? All suggestions recieved with gratitude!



I'm terrible with names. You probably already know this and I'm not sure how this might apply to non-US businesses, but just in case for anyone else. After you have some names in mind do a search to make sure it's not already in use and then get it registered. Good luck.,4621,278267,00.html
DesignTech Engineering....

DesignTech Construction...

(BTW, I have already copyrighted these names, but if you would like to use them my price is very reasonable. :D)
justin said:
Polyanalytic Systems, Ltd.
Hey, this is a fun game. We could set 'em up and knock 'em down for weeks!

Any wordplay on the phonemes "anal" & "analysis".
"Polly wanna cracker?"
"The sun will come out... tomorrow!" No, wait, that's Orphan Annie, not Pollyanna.

Meatavitavegimin was already taken... :p

Honkie's Web

Toolbox Web

____?____Web With a little web logo in the corner of your ads/business card. Answer your phone "Hello, Spiderman here."

Make yourself sound way cooler/bigger than you are:

Globalconstructnet Integrated Solutions - we have 2 offices around the world!

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