Need my 1st men's suit- what to get and where to go?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 29, 2005
Both my wife and I are in the dark when it comes to purchasing a men's suit for me. It's about time I get a nice suit that I can wear to funerals, weddings, and the occasional court case (I have to sue in small claims every once in a while as a contractor).

I'd like to keep the outfit under $250, but it seems that may be tough. I have some ties, so I guess I'd need a jacket, slacks, shoes, and shirt. maybe $300?

I see some suits on sale for $200 at Men 's Warehouse which will need to be tailored and accessorized. Anywhere else i should look? I'm going to swing by Kohls, JCPenny's, Macy's etc for a quick look....

Finally, WHAT kind should I get? 2 button? 3 button? Color (I'm thinking I cant go wrong with black, but wouldnt mind something a bit different...maybe some pinstripes or a deep charcoal color?)

I really hate the suits many of the elders wear at my church. I like the way people like (bad example here...but it's all I've got) michael jordan look in a suit. Of course his probably cost $3k, but I like the looser fitting smooth fabrics and such

Any input would be super!
Don't know if you have one near you but DH had a similar situation, needed a suit for a funeral and went to Men's Warehouse. Got a great looking suit that was fitted by the in-house tailor. If I recall correctly there was no extra charge for the alterations. Price was so good we sprung for slacks and a sport coat. He really looked good in the stuff he bought.

Oh as far as what looks good on you.....take your wife with you.
Both my wife and I are in the dark when it comes to purchasing a men's suit for me. It's about time I get a nice suit that I can wear to funerals, weddings, and the occasional court case (I have to sue in small claims every once in a while as a contractor).

I'd like to keep the outfit under $250, but it seems that may be tough. I have some ties, so I guess I'd need a jacket, slacks, shoes, and shirt. maybe $300?

I see some suits on sale for $200 at Men 's Warehouse which will need to be tailored and accessorized. Anywhere else i should look? I'm going to swing by Kohls, JCPenny's, Macy's etc for a quick look....

Finally, WHAT kind should I get? 2 button? 3 button? Color (I'm thinking I cant go wrong with black, but wouldnt mind something a bit different...maybe some pinstripes or a deep charcoal color?)

I really hate the suits many of the elders wear at my church. I like the way people like (bad example here...but it's all I've got) michael jordan look in a suit. Of course his probably cost $3k, but I like the looser fitting smooth fabrics and such

Any input would be super!

You could probably get everything for under $200, but I'd recommend spending a little more and get something that's going to last. I'd highly recommend getting 100% wool -- not polyester. My personnel preference is 3 button but 2 button tends to fit better for people with large waists. I'm not sure if pinstripes are appropriate for funerals -- someone else on here might know. I'm not a big fan of pinstripes unless they're lighter. Pinstripes might look good on MJ but when I see friends in strong pinstripes I think it looks like they're trying to be too much "Wall St".

I'd recommend Men's Wearhouse. They'll likely give you the best customer service, help and advice. They're also going to have better tailors than Kohl's which will cost you another $20-50 but the way the suit fits is very important.

Two other things to consider:
Do you want a vented suit (slits in the back)? This is nice when you sit down.

Do you want flat or pleated front? Flat is a bit more contemporary, pleated tends to fit better for people with larger legs. Also, pleated legs are cuffed, flat front pants don't have a cuff.

The first real suit I bought was at Men's Wearhouse for $220. It was 5 years ago and I still have and wear the suit. Weddings, funerals, fancy dinners,'ll probably wear the suit more than you think
I just learned about vented suit coats...that seems to make sense...but I dont know if I really care...I guess I just need to try em on.

I always thought pleated pants looked best, and are likely what I will shoot for. I just dont like the look of the flat front pants when part of a suit? maybe it's just me. now that i think of it, I prefer pleats as long as the pants fit loose enough past the waist

single breasted is a must

btw, i am 5-11, 165 lbs...skinny lil legs and skinny lil wrists....very broad chested.
Can't beat Mens Warehouse. Three button suits are the latest but I see men on TV and they don't know how to button them. Tailor told me the facts: starting with the top button and going down, the rule is "always", "sometimes", "never". Please remember that rule of buttoning the three button suit.
Tailor told me the facts: starting with the top button and going down, the rule is "always", "sometimes", "never". Please remember that rule of buttoning the three button suit.

Yeah, that's the rule. However, I think it's ok to leave all the buttons unbuttoned if you're sitting down or doing certain things like taking a picture with your arms outstretched around two people.
If you want a single suit that is all-purpose, I would go with 2 button, charcoal grey or dark blue, possibly with small/subtle pin stripes. Modest cuffs on the pants, a conservative tie (no loud colors, etc.) and a white or French blue shirt with decent shoes should complete the package. Stick with wool. You should be able to catch a good sale these days.
I like darker, fitted suits. I have suits with 2 or 3 buttons, I can like both but it depends how they are cut. I like vented coats. I like black, charcoal, navy and I don't mind a very subtle pinstripe. I like my pants with a flat front and no cuffs. I like wool best. I am 5"9", 150 lbs and pretty fit.

Mens Warehouse is a good place to get an all-purpose suit at affordable prices.
wow! what a response... keep em coming!

I'll have to post a pic once I get something...I have a court date in 3 weeks and would like to have something by then.
If you think about the times you'll be wearing it (in court, maybe in an interview, maybe at a funeral, etc) these are occasions where it is to your benefit to appear conservative and 'dependable." I avoid anything faddish or that draws attention. No pleats, no cuffed slacks. A dark grey suit offers plenty of flexibility. I think Men's Wearhouse is a good bet for a suit that will fill your needs.
While you are there, if they are having a sale consider getting a blazer (as well as the suit) if you don't have one. I get a lot more use out of my blue sport coat than I do my suit--goes great with Dockers and an oxford shirt. Not as formal as a suit, but much more comfortable and right for many occasions in my experience.
I vote for dark charcoal grey, since it's the only suit you'll likely have and that will be pretty all purpose. Agree to go for wool or a wool blend.

Men's Wearhouse is a great place, as is Jos. A. Banks and Penneys. I don't know if Kohls would have much of a selection.

Photos will definitely be required on this thread when you're all dressed up, Fed!
Get the best suit you can afford and then you can get nice - but cheap - shirts and ties at tjmaxx and such...kenneth cole, michael kors etc for $15 bucks or so...
I don't know if Kohls would have much of a selection.

Kohl's has a good shirt/tie selection, but for suits you'll find a much larger selection at Men's Warehouse. Plus the tailoring services at MW can come in really handy.
Agree, FD--DH bought a lot of shirts for w*rk at Kohl's before ERing--they do have a great selection and good prices for dress shirts.

Also, DS bought suit "separates" a couple years ago at what is now Macy's--jacket and pants separately. They were reasonable during a sale, but if you want them for a court date in three weeks, maybe not an option if there's not a sale going on.
Here's some info on pleat vs flat front pants - Trousers with Pleats vs Flat Front Pants

I believe pleated pants always have cuffs and flat front pants never have cuffs. IMO, Flat front seems a bit more contemporary. Some designers (like Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss) seem to have more options with flat front pants.
What does the guy say "Men's Warehouse, I guarantee you won't be disappointed?" And Rich-in-Tampa is correct about a full windsor knot but you also need to know a half windsor if you get a thick tie :)
Get the best suit you can afford and then you can get nice - but cheap - shirts and ties at tjmaxx and such...kenneth cole, michael kors etc for $15 bucks or so...

Can definitely get a shirt for a good price at those places. However, I would still look at Men's Wearhouse. I bought my last shirt for $40 there which was more than I wanted to pay but I love the shirt. You can tell from the look/feel that it's great quality and the fabric is textured which adds a little something to entire look.

Most importantly, I would recommend that the OP (being skinny with a wide chest) gets an athletic fit shirt because that should fit him much better on him than a regular.
wow! what a response... keep em coming!

I'll have to post a pic once I get something...I have a court date in 3 weeks and would like to have something by then.

Yeah, you have tons of options. I would recommend going to Men's Wearhouse sooner than later because it typically takes a few days to get things tailored and you want to make sure it fits correctly when you pick it up.

I always seem to spend more than I expect when I buy a suit because paying for the tailor, tax and accessories adds up quick. You might want to pick out everything you want at MW and get the total price but set the suit aside. You could then go to Macy's or another place and compare. The same suits are usually around the same price, but shopping around would show you a few more options and give you a little more time to think it over.

Also, you might want to sign up for the Men's Wearhouse Perfect Fit club. If you spend around $300 you get a $50 certificate and they also send you other gift cards periodically.
Very good advice here - sounds like my father talking to me way back when :). Not much to add. I agree with Brewer on color, Rich on tie tying, Bright eyed on buying shirt and tie elsewhere. Buy socks the same color (or slightly darker) as the trousers and a couple of white handkerchiefs.

A suit with solid colors or very discrete patterns lets you use more variety of shirts and ties to mix it up and give the appearance of multiple outfits.
Brooks Brothers has an offer right now for two "suiting essentials" suits for $800, less a 30% "friends and family" discount this week (you just have to ask for it), so $280/suit + tax. They're half-canvassed and are going to be a bit higher quality than Jos A Banks or Mens Wearhouse (which are most likely fused construction). Stick with navy and/or charcoal. Black is for funerals and pinstripes are for business meetings. If you want more specialized advice on suits, these are a couple of interesting forums:

Andy's Fashion Forum - Ask Andy FORUMS
Men's Clothing - Style Forum

If you have an outlet mall near you, other good places to check are Nordstrom Rack and Saks Off Fifth. But their sales associates will not be as knowledgable as BB. You also need to be skeptical of the supposed savings they claim. There's a printable 40% off coupon for Off Fifth you can google, good until tomorrow.

Pick up a pair of Allen Edmonds wingtips and you'll be all set.
Brooks Brothers is top of the line--that is an amazing price and those suits will last forever and be conservatively styled enough to stay "in style" forever, too.

Now what color shoes go with a navy suit again? :)
If the need to wear this suit is very occasionally you may want to consider the option of just renting one for the day..
Nice to know you're finally a man and need a suit---jeessstttt kiiiddddiiinng. Had to buy a black suit 2 years ago for daughter's wedding. This is what son-in-law wanted, and couldn't convince him to go for tuxes. He also wanted shoes from Van's (black with white soles). Anyway, went to Men's Warehouse and got a black suit, blue slacks and a multi-colored sport coat, and 2 ties for $486. Very satisfied, except after the purchase they informed me that for every $500 of purchases, you get a $50-off coupon on your next purchase. Have never made it back to spend $14 and get that $50 off on something else, because I HATE shopping.
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