My cholesterol levels were always high, up to the high 200's. For years my long-term MD said no worries, my ratios were good. But then when I got into my late 50's she said "OK we need to start dealing with this, let's start you on statins." I said "If you insist on statins, I get a new doctor." Then I sent her 3-4 studies and meta-analyses that showed statins didn't improve all-cause mortality at ALL. So she backed off.
(Studies also showed that the "get it below 200" mantra is flat wrong. For men the optimum all-cause survival is at about 250, and for women it's much higher. So they shouldn't even TRY to lower your chol unless you're around 300 or more.)
The next year she said "I know you don't want statins. Well I've found a natural supplement that lowers cholesterol. I want you to take it." I looked at the label and said "This is Red Yeast Rice. That's where statins COME from. Ain't takin' it."
The next year she said "OK, I'm really worried about your atherosclerosis. I'm bringing in a guy to do sonograms of your carotids. I want to find out how badly you're blocked." Great, I said, let's do it.
The results came back and said I had the arteries of a man half my age. ZERO occlusion. She never nagged me about cholesterol again.