I didn't see HsiaoChu's post as saying that people in professions like medicine, law, etc. are actually more special or better than anyone else. However, there is a difference between many people with jobs and those who have a specific career role that is very self-defining......
Of course all of this is my opinion only, and others may have a different opinion, and probably should, so we all don't forget who we actually are.
The key to understanding my post is not to get hung up on defining a REAL CAREER in ways that denote one person as MORE SPECIAL THAN SOMEBODY ELSE.
The key to understanding my post is that anyone who had a career that was specific enough FOR THEM TO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT DEFINITION OF THEMSELVES as that career, will need to address issues. For them then, this is a real career.
I suggested that certain occupations
could be much easier to make this definition. Its not black or white guys/gals. There is a huge gray area in all of this. I'm sure that if you had a career digging holes for coffins, and it was self defining for you, then you could run into emotional issues when you are no longer a card carrying member of that group.
But the key item, IMO, is the degree to which you defined yourself as a certain career. Its also the degree to which you can let that go away, which probably is somewhat dependent on the amount of
FUN and Fulfillment you had actually doing the job. And again, the occupations I listed
often have greater fulfillment than the digger one
P.S. Rich, I suspect that specialness is an issue for you. You responded by defining your medical career in terms of your issues with special-ness. I've tried for much of my life to get rid of the concept of specialness as much as I can. I don't define a career in specialness terms.
I have a daughter who continues to believe that the college education we paid for, at a somewhat special kind of liberal arts institution, makes her more special than anyone else. It keeps tripping her up even 8 years later despite the fact most of her peers have already gone on to some kind of grad school, and she has not. Her degree of believing that her education made her special has something to do with this. Everything is always ABOUT HER.