Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
The high cost of housing is problem in the USA. We often builds using the stick method where most of the house is built from scratch or near scratch at the site. But, there are other ways to build housing and supposedly it is cheaper.

12 Scandinavian Prefabs That Embody High-Design Hygge
Found throughout the region, these homes are big on style and sustainability.

With their cold winters, short summers, and limited daylight hours during much of the year, Scandinavian designers face challenges that are unique to the region. Despite this—and in many ways because of it—more than 80 percent of the Scandinavian housing market is comprised of prefab single-family houses because of the simplified fabrication and construction. While many of these residences are more traditional in their appearance, there is also a strong current of thoughtfully-designed modern prefabs designed by renowned architects that are growing in popularity. Here, we've profiled some of the most exciting, inspiring Scandinavian prefab homes in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark.

Villen inHAUS - Modular housing - Inhaus Deutschland VILLEN INHAUS Modern villas, modular homes and luxury villas We are a prefabricated housing company and architecture studio for...

We are a prefabricated housing company and architecture studio for modern homes with avant-garde design and premium quality. inHAUS is a leading company in the sector of modular single-family homes and luxury homes in Spain. We build houses for the whole of Europe and have advanced projects in France, Germany and Switzerland.