Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Not true at all in our HCOL region. All volume builders use what is usually called “panelized” construction. Walls and roofing trusses are assembled in a climate controlled factory, loaded on a truck and assembled on-site. Plumbing, electrical, drywall and other finishes are done conventionally. Even high-ish end homes are done this way except small custom builders will use stick-built technique.The high cost of housing is problem in the USA. We often builds using the stick method where most of the house is built from scratch or near scratch at the site.
I fully agree with sentiment that they don’t build starter homes anymore. All the 2-3 bedroom homes around 1200 sq ft in this area are pre-80’s vintage. Another style no longer offered is a duplex or flat built with a rental unit in the basement or 2nd floor to supplement the buyer’s income.
Builders need an incentive to build starter homes. Tax credits were very successful increasing the supply of senior housing. Another approach could be muni bonds for builders and buyers.
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