That's really true here in Chicago. Motorists turning right on green NEVER consider pedestrians entering the marked pedestrian crosswalk on green. They just turn right, hand hard on the horn, daring pedestrians to step off the curb into the marked pedestrian crosswalk on green. It's scary and Chicago is truly not a place where you want to be a pedestrian. There is never a time, despite stop and go lights, marked pedestrian crosswalks or whatever, that you don't take you life in your hands trying to cross an intersection.
Fortunately, some suburbs have established stop and go light configurations where only pedestrians have the green. It's still a problem in that most of our drivers are so aggressive about turn-on-red situations that they ignore the lights and scream around the corner, blaring their horn, and daring the mom with infant twins in the stroller to stop them..........
I agree with you that pedestrians "need to be aware of traffic." But I think our drivers who are so extremely aggressive on right turns, especially turn-on-red situations, need to calm down before screaming across the pedestrian crosswalk with horn blaring. And I think our public officials need to provide for more pedestrian opportunities to cross streets, within pedestrian crosswalks, with all traffic stopped.