newbie: quit @ 39, now 49


Recycles dryer sheets
May 13, 2005
Hi everyone:

I don't know why it took so long to find this forum! I've been very interested in this yopic for a long time and really miss having others to discuss things with.

I've been "semi-retired" since leaving a sales job 10 years ago. I've rehabbed a few houses since then to make up for poor investment performance and to add a little to my net worth. But I'm still doing this on a thin shoestring. I seem to ne much better at being frugal than earning money. So my long-term (possible) plan is to find a cheap(er) place to live/retire/whatever so that I'm living on less (maybe around $700 or 800/month) and let my investments build up to a healthier level so I'm sitting pretty in old age. Have been considering Fiji, Thailand, S. America, etc.

Any comments or discussion very welcome!
There are quite a few threads here on retiring overseas, and a google search will dredge up dozens of sites.  I'm tentatively aiming for a few months/years in Thailand or Malaysia starting next year to steam my way out of 25 years of cube mode. is a pretty active forum and the expats there can give you an idea of what to expect. 

You can certainly live for less than you can here.  The first step, of course, would be to make an extended visit.  Vacation mode eventually wears off, and folks have differing comfort levels with third world living.
One of the main concerns living in Thailand is language barrier. I suppose you can learn it over time. My hair stylist is planning to return to Thailand for retirement after living in the U.S. for 30 years. She has 3 sons, but they are busy with their own lives. She is having a house built by the shore. She says that food is great and medical care is affordable.


It must feel good to have an "escape plan" in place for next year.  I've been trying to figure out where to retire for many years and keep going 'round and 'round...  Trying to find the right combination of beaches/weather, cost of living, things to do (start a business? build a house? etc), language barriers, health care (Thailand scores high), and not to mention...women. 

I've already found a few forums on Thailand and will be reading them closely.

Where in Thailand are you thinking..?



Are you considering Thailand? Yes, the language thing might be big. It kind of depends on how many other expats are in the area and maybe what tv shows/radio one can get on satellite/radio to ease with the culture shock. I figure that if I can at least get internet access, I can then download or listen to archived public radio programs that I've become addicted to here in Wisconsin..


I also am very interested in going to Thailand in Sept or Oct. You mentioned that you were aware of a site/forum that discussed this country. If this is so, would you be so kind to let me know the site address:confused:?

Thank you

We spent 6 or 7 weeks in Thailand a few years ago. We'd always traveled in Latin America and speak decent Spanish, and were also worried about the language barrier in Thailand. Most educated Thais speak some English, and if you need to go to a doctor you are likely to find someone who speaks some English (particularly written English) since many textbooks are in English. It's not a huge issue, just comical sometimes when you need to ask for directions and find yourself surrounded by a bevy of friendly and curious Thais who will do anything to help you. It's a nice place to visit.

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