A salute to you as well!
Don't know if you caught this post. I was wondering how close you lived to this spot.
Cutthroat: I did see it, and was going to answer you, but guess I had a senior "moment".
Nice fish, by the way.
Actually, we live on the opposite side of Lassen from where you were at. (Probably about 125 miles).
I know what you mean about the temperatures. Although we get probably twice as much snow as you do at the higher elevations, it doesn't reach Minnesotta cold.
My home is at 2,000 feet, so we're pretty much out of the snow line. (I had all the heavy snow that I wanted when I was a kid.)
By the way, your remark about the lake freezing over.
When i was a kid in the middle to late 40's, all the lakes at an elevation of 5,000 or more froze solid. That's not the case anymore, so there is definantly something true about "global warming". The winters are not as harsh as they used to be.
Take care, and keep the knots out of your leader.
Regards, Jarhead
JG, maybe you should start posting as "Hyperbolea"...