Thank you in advance for your opinions.
Like soo many who write here for advice,I too am on the fence. In july i ll be 49 and my daughter will be 2. I ve thought about retiring at about 50 for at least 10 yrs. I think about it alot. I have about 1.05 mil and can sell my business for about 200k. Financial experts,my accountant and practically everything i read states i wont have enough but if i dont have enough neither does 99% of the population. What do you think? Can i make it work?
Work is a big part of my social life and is also somewhat intellectually stimulating but that is also because work takes up most of my time and has been my main focus for 25 years. However,I truly believe it is negatively affecting my health.Just dont have time to take care of my body as I wish.
One is told that you should have many hobbies and prepare for er but i think the lack of time and energy limits that pre er too. I think i could be bored for awhile but that i will develop new interests. I think our lives become habitual,,what we think and do and that without free time it s hard to develop a new lifestyle. With free time I would think i would have much more energy. Plus taking care of my child will occupy plenty of time too.
None of this maybe new hear but I appreciate your thoughts,
Like soo many who write here for advice,I too am on the fence. In july i ll be 49 and my daughter will be 2. I ve thought about retiring at about 50 for at least 10 yrs. I think about it alot. I have about 1.05 mil and can sell my business for about 200k. Financial experts,my accountant and practically everything i read states i wont have enough but if i dont have enough neither does 99% of the population. What do you think? Can i make it work?
Work is a big part of my social life and is also somewhat intellectually stimulating but that is also because work takes up most of my time and has been my main focus for 25 years. However,I truly believe it is negatively affecting my health.Just dont have time to take care of my body as I wish.
One is told that you should have many hobbies and prepare for er but i think the lack of time and energy limits that pre er too. I think i could be bored for awhile but that i will develop new interests. I think our lives become habitual,,what we think and do and that without free time it s hard to develop a new lifestyle. With free time I would think i would have much more energy. Plus taking care of my child will occupy plenty of time too.
None of this maybe new hear but I appreciate your thoughts,