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I am 46 years old and recently retired, not exactly by choice, more by circumstance. I have roughly 2.1M in retirement accounts and 1.1M in non retirement accounts. I have found the accumulation phase to be a lot easier to manage than the post retirement period.
My question is how exactly is it suggested I should handle this money (the 1.1M from now at age 46 to age 59.5 when I can start cashing out of my IRAs penalty free? 518K of the 1.1M is already invested in various stocks and mutual funds in a brokerage account but the rest is cash. How should I manage the 582K cash? I will need money to live off of this year in addition to future years and I have no pension or any other income. My family of two (me and my partner) spend roughly 80K a year. I currently have 28% of my IRA in SGOV, which is the iShares 0-3 Month Treasury Bond ETF, would it be a good idea to put some more cash there? Is now when I should implement the 3 bucket strategy? If so, should I use the 3 bucket strategy on all the dough I have for the next 13.5 years? Any direction would be helpful. I am mostly a do it yourselfer when it comes to finances and just occasionally check in with fee only financial advisors to bounce ideas off of and respect your opinions.
Thank you.
Retired as of January 2024
I am 46 years old and recently retired, not exactly by choice, more by circumstance. I have roughly 2.1M in retirement accounts and 1.1M in non retirement accounts. I have found the accumulation phase to be a lot easier to manage than the post retirement period.
My question is how exactly is it suggested I should handle this money (the 1.1M from now at age 46 to age 59.5 when I can start cashing out of my IRAs penalty free? 518K of the 1.1M is already invested in various stocks and mutual funds in a brokerage account but the rest is cash. How should I manage the 582K cash? I will need money to live off of this year in addition to future years and I have no pension or any other income. My family of two (me and my partner) spend roughly 80K a year. I currently have 28% of my IRA in SGOV, which is the iShares 0-3 Month Treasury Bond ETF, would it be a good idea to put some more cash there? Is now when I should implement the 3 bucket strategy? If so, should I use the 3 bucket strategy on all the dough I have for the next 13.5 years? Any direction would be helpful. I am mostly a do it yourselfer when it comes to finances and just occasionally check in with fee only financial advisors to bounce ideas off of and respect your opinions.
Thank you.
Retired as of January 2024