Bottom line is, there is a finite amount of oil.
True, but I doubt that we are anywhere near depleting it all... We haven't even found it all yet. Usable alternatives like shale exist and are now economically feasible at 90 bucks a barrel... not so when it was less.
It is being consumed at a rate greater than it is being produced.
I don't think so... we have had regional gasoline issues and those were production issues, but I don't think it is because of us using more oil than they can pump out of the ground. That's why the oil cartel is not in favor of pumping too much out of the ground at one time ... it lowers the price for everyone .
Inevitably, we will run out. The only question is when.
inevitably we are all dead ... don't think we will ever see the end of oil...
IMO, now that there is a crisis, you will start to see real alternatives (not trading one resource for another like corn 'fuel').
The car companies had electric cars on their drawing boards since I was a kid... if only I could find that Mechanics magazine and others from my high school days. The choose not to do anything about it for whatever reasons... hmmm (musing) think if GM or Ford had taken the lead 10 years ago with electric cars, they may have avoided the sh*t they're in now.
'Necessity is the motherhood of invention'... well, we sure do need it NOW! This is what the government should be diverting funds into.
I believe that people being the economic beings that they are will start to put money into alternative energy research and development. Where there is money to be made, there are smart people out there who will go for it. Americas a great place, but now with the global economy, we have more arms and legs working on everything....
I dunno, ... we may have to sit with blackouts and power shortages in the interim,... I hope not .. but so far, it has not gotten to that point.
By the way, in many other countries they do have regular power outages, water outages, food shortages, ...etc. [wave flag here] We'll figure out a solution ... we always have. Not necessarily because we are smarter (although that might be the 'collective' case), but because we know how to make a buck.
'Greed is good', Gorden Gecko