Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
No one said it, but to be clear I was just making an observation, not a comment. I just assumed replies per view was higher and hadn't noticed before.I definitely view more than I reply. I feel that there are so many more wise and experienced people than I to reply. Maybe I will try to start replying more also.
I don't remember the exact adage, but we can all learn something from everyone, not a matter of who's 'more wise and experienced,' and we're not meant to agree in all cases. If that were the case, I could never legitimately post here... I have had more posts than I care to count that in retrospect I thought 'what was I thinking' or 'boy did I word that one poorly' - and wish I could say I was drinking at the time, but wasn't!
Fortunately most here post without invoking absolutes and disagree constructively and with substance - you can't ask for more on a public forum. I've dropped some other forums (other topics) that devolved into complete chaos, overwhelming good moderators in the process, very sad.