Only 1 reply for each 50 views on this forum...

I definitely view more than I reply. I feel that there are so many more wise and experienced people than I to reply. Maybe I will try to start replying more also.
No one said it, but to be clear I was just making an observation, not a comment. I just assumed replies per view was higher and hadn't noticed before.

I don't remember the exact adage, but we can all learn something from everyone, not a matter of who's 'more wise and experienced,' and we're not meant to agree in all cases. If that were the case, I could never legitimately post here...:greetings10: I have had more posts than I care to count that in retrospect I thought 'what was I thinking' or 'boy did I word that one poorly' - and wish I could say I was drinking at the time, but wasn't!

Fortunately most here post without invoking absolutes and disagree constructively and with substance - you can't ask for more on a public forum. I've dropped some other forums (other topics) that devolved into complete chaos, overwhelming good moderators in the process, very sad.
It's seafood gumbo, from Smitty's restaurant... have had seafood gumbo at Smitty's many times. It is killing me more than the beignets. :LOL:

i almost started a thread about w2r's changing avatars. they are always so interesting and this one looked like a bowl of minestrone soup.

if you think 1 post in 50 views is low look at the bh site! they typically have threads with several hundred views with 5 or 10 posts and sometimes thousands (2 or 3) of views and 30 posts!

i think people (1) don't want to either be bothered posting, (2) don't want to be viewed as someone that always has to post something or (3) feels they probably can't offer anything of interest and don't want to look stupid. i suspect the latter is common. i'm new here but i try to post to add to the content but i also hold back a lot to not be viewed as someone with typing diarrhea, not that i see anyone in that camp but i'm a bit cautious about being too quick to post and running my mouth. :greetings10:
Not all can be like this thread (on a different Forum), it started in November 2007 and now, as of 10:00 this morning, has 16,064 Posts:

Guide to Building a HD HTPC - AVS Forum

Imagine coming across something like this and it was something you had great interest in. Would you start at the beginning and read it all?
50:1 is probably about what I do as well, even before I became a Moderator, so I'm not surprised. Thank you Midpack for taking a snapshot and putting out the stats.

I try and avoid getting into any arguments, remembering the old adage, "If you keep your mouth shut you will never put your foot in it."

Unfortunately, in actually speaking with folks I often wish that my mouth had a backspace key. :blush:
Sometimes, I will lurk when I am not in the greatest of moods. I can still read what my "friends" are talking about, without bringing down anyone's moods, if I don't participate. I am really, really glad to have this forum to read and thank all of you who do participate!
I don't post very often while I do read several threads without ever planning to post on them because they do interest me. Most threads I don't read anyway because the topic doesn't interest me.

My mood often affects if/when I will post and that applies not just here but to other forums (different topics) I post to. When I am in the right mood, I will actually make 3 or more posts in 20 minutes, a lot for me!
50:1 is probably about what I do as well, even before I became a Moderator, so I'm not surprised.
One of the biggest moderator frustrations was the self-imposed obligation to read every post.

In retrospect I should've just read what I wanted to read and waited for the membership to let me know if there was a problem.
Same for me. Additionally, sometimes I access this website from other computers as a guest, therefore possibly counting as multiple views but from a single user.

I'm one of those who views (and learns) much more than I respond.
What also interests me is the high percentage of guests online at any time. I suppose some could be members who are not logged in (I am always logged in, I assume more active members are?). Anyway, right this minute only 17% of those who are visiting the forum are logged in members.

I rarely log in unless I want to enter a response.

Logging-in drains too much of my precious time from my busy schedule of being retired. :D
I really do enjoy reading others' posts; I very much appreciate those who post often.

In some ways, I'm a bit shy - and don't want to "rock the boat," or be part of a controversy. In a way it is like being in high school and trying to fit in.
I've been mostly lurking around here for a while now. I am a combination of a young dreamer and a perfectionist. As a result, most of the time, even if I am inclined to post a reply, I don't because I don't feel like I have the time to make a good response. This is something that I need to work on letting go of, both on the forum and in other areas of my life.
:) I'll reply, just to boost the stats... I learn a lot in here, and am on the same page with the majority, most of the time. I do lurk a LOT. It keeps me sane, knowing I'm not the only one (LBYM, etc. etc. etc.)
I do more reading than posting if I am surfing while Mr B is watching TV.
I tend to post more if I am alone. I use the "Thanks" feature to acknowledge or cheer a post, versus lengthening the thread with a simple TY :flowers: or YAY :clap:.

There are so many topics here that I am still in "learning mode" on. I do read every article at the posted links, mostly returning to the article later on as time permits.

I feel a LOT more educated as a result of being a member of this fine forum. :D
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