Hope you're enjoying the read -- Nords did more than provide some good anecdotes --he came through with some pretty good posts during a rough patch I was having with the editor who wanted me to drop the last chapter --
Nords was the one clearly saying "a book on ER wouldn't be complete if you didn't give people some sort of vision about how life can be better once people have a lot more free time-- don't just make it a how-to book, make it a book that helps people dream big' Don't know how Nords feels about that Chapter as it finally turned out, but without his encouragement, there might not have been anything there at all.
You'll also find profiles of Brewer, Jarhhead (pseudonymously at their request) (and Bob Smith -- remember him?) Gayl and others, a house remodelling story from TH or whatever he's calling himself these days, and a bunch of other examples and stories from people who've been on the forum in the past but may not be posting so much now.
feel free to post any questions or comments -- there will be a new version sometime in the next few years and anything unclear or missing can be raised here and make it in the next go-round.