Our Survey Said...


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 11, 2005
This past Tuesday, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published a special section titled "Top 50 - The Best Places to Work". Apparently, they had an on-line survey and asked people to fill it out. I'm not sure how I missed that one ::). Anyway, to get as much ad revenue as possible a lot of companies in the region listed, they had a whole plethora of categories - small (less than 50 people), medium (50 to 500), large (greater than 500), public companies, private companies, government, institutions, companies headquartered in Pittsburgh, companies not headquartered in Pittsburgh, and so forth. Well, you get the picture :-*.

They asked for comments about the company you worked for. When they published the comments, they listed the company you worked for, your comment, and then your first name. There was the usual blather of good company, bad company, good and bad company (two totally opposite comments about the same company - must be average to work for ;)).

And then there was Fred's comment. I don't know if (1) it was done as a joke; (2) he is foolhardy; or (3) he needs assistance understanding his fringe benefits:

Matrix Solutions

"If it wasn't for the food and beer, I'd think I was in jail."


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