Until April 27, PFCU is now offering 5% APY on
their 3, 4, and 5 year CDs.
their 3, 4, and 5 year CDs.
The same rate on 3-5 years...odd...
one year @4 % is a better deal than 5 yr @5% since this is only 25% better but 5 times longer.
Charlie,I believe it was MJ on another thread who pointed out that IRA accounts for persons 59.5 years old or older you have the privilege of canceling
a CD and shifting the money to a higher rate CD
at any time with no penalty.
It just dawned on me (duh) that this is maybe a better
way to index your FI allocation to inflation than
buying corporate floaters that are indexed to the
Just think of it ..... put your money in a 7 year CD at
5.15% and not worry about interest rates going up.
It seems like a no-brainer to me now that the light
has lit.
I believe I mentioned I did this for my mother (~80) at the beginning of the year.
She was able to trade up from ~5% to ~5.5% on her 7 yr IRA CD.
This extended her maturity and locked in the new rate for a full 7yrs.
In addition, she can make withdrawals at any time w/o penalty and maintain the residual at the CD rate.
Unbelievable terms -- hope they don't change them in the future.
Almost makes one wish they were 60... almost!
(Like those 55 and up cruise deals for seniors...)
Jarhead, I talked to Penfed (very nice phone ladies
BTW) about withdrawals from a IRA CD after age
59.5. The way it works is that you cancel the old
CD and then open a new one .... keep what you
want from the one you cashed in.
Most of my IRA FI is in corporate floaters paying
2% + CPI .... about 5% right now..... so I am in no
hurry to change to Penfed. I will be watching
their 7 year CD like a hawk and switch if the
floaters don't measure up.
Jarhead, I bought my "floaters" through the bond
desk at Vanguard on the secondary market.
One is a CD maturing in 2014 that pays 2.0% + year-over-year CPI-U issued by Standard Federal Bank, CUSIP 85339RFC2.
The other is a corporate bond issued by Household
Finance Corp that pays 2.38% + CPI-U, CUSIP
44181EZN1 maturing in 2013.
Both reset monthly and pay monthly.
You can buy new issues via Vanguard or the following