Phone plans and cellular Iwatch

Ready, that’s part of the issue for me though—if I’m talking on the phone it’s usually for something important, so I don’t want a dropped call! At home using WiFi calling seems workable, though I end up talking to my parents fairly often while I’m working outside or in the garage, where the WiFi reception isn’t great.

DH is still consulting PT and uses his cell as his primary phone, so continually dropped calls would be super annoying for him.

So glad to have an easy way to test it out first.
I have an iwatch with cellular service. I am not sure you understand how it works. You need to have an iphone cellular phone account with a carrier say Verizon and that iphone has a phone number assignment. Then you pay generally about $10 more per month for the iwatch cellular, which gets assigned a DIFFERENT cell number that is always ported to your cell phone number. Most people aren’t even aware of this. You usually won’t even be aware of the ported iwatch number except it is indicated on your bill.
I have an iwatch with cellular service. I am not sure you understand how it works. You need to have an iphone cellular phone account with a carrier say Verizon and that iphone has a phone number assignment. Then you pay generally about $10 more per month for the iwatch cellular, which gets assigned a DIFFERENT cell number that is always ported to your cell phone number. Most people aren’t even aware of this. You usually won’t even be aware of the ported iwatch number except it is indicated on your bill.

Yes! The problem is that the super low cost services like mint and cricket, or even spectrum, don’t allow the number porting that lets you use the cellular function. T mobile seems to be the lowest cost option that allows this.
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