Planners And Calculators List

It's already a sticky thread in the FAQs subforum, because we thought it was particularly helpful and did not want it to get lost. Many thanks to Twilo123 for starting it.
Thanks, Gumby, you Mods are the best!
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The article and the associated spreadsheet is great:

Is you enter 1/CAPE and TIPS for growth rates, it's basically the same as the CAPE rule tab on Early retirement now's spreadsheet

If you keep to the defaults, it's basically VPW linked in the boglehead tools list.

I think you would do this community a service by linking both at the top level of your list.
Another tool similar to the two above is Amortization Based Withdrawals. Article and spreadsheet at Amortization based withdrawal - Bogleheads

This and the tools I posted above aim to tell you how much you should be safe withdrawing based on your current portfolio and future income (SS) instead of telling your chances of success for drawing x dollars or percent. As your portfolio grows OR SHRINKS that amount changes year over year.
This helped me more than anything. (10 yrs ago)
I went through about every on line doo dad.
And when it was all said and done, knowing what I spend / needed was more
important than anything else. Still check it several times a week.
Was the best / for me anyway...Plus, its free & secure.
Came to check if "Rich Broke or Dead" calculator was on the list. It is. It's on of the Engaging Data calculators
I use several of the calculators listed above. I've learned the most from a book titled "The Psychology of Money."

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