If you don't mind also relating in the body of the thread
if you ask others to dance?
do others ask you to dance?
are you usually with a group of friends that dance?
do you take lessons?
I stopped asking others to dance after marriage. I do not want to be perceived as being too "forward", as depending on the dancing style it can be interpreted in several ways. I have made several exceptions on business trips, when out with a group who wanted to go dancing, and the women in the group did not want to dance with strangers. Even with the exceptions, I do not ask anyone to slow dance, that is reserved for my wife.
However, I will dance if other women ask me do. DW sees this as a compliment for her taste

. One of my fun experiences in college was the first "Sadie Hawkins" dance I encountered, where the men cannot ask women to dance, only the women can ask men to dance (derived from the "Sadie Hawkins" scenario in L'il Abner

). The dance was open to all women, but men could only attend via invitation. For whatever reason I was invited, and the women outnumbered the men at least 2 to 1. I was only off the dance floor for one song, it was a great time

. These days, since women outnumber the men at our age at most dance events, I get asked to dance often when DW takes a break.
These days, most of the time we go out with other couples who dance. For example, one of my good friends and his daughters sing in a jazz/swing band, and we and other friends always try to make their concerts several times a year. But, if there is a dance event we want to go to and none of our friends are available, that does not stop us from going to it.
For ballroom dancing I always go early enough to take lessons. I always need the choreographed "refreshed", particularly since I will likely be dancing with other women and do not want to appear to be a klutz. The lessons rotate you through many partners as it progresses, and I can tell if I have made an impression if any of the woman I practiced with later ask me to dance
