Hmmm... perhaps I was a bit hasty in saying I use total return strategy/method/however-you-want-to-define-it.
- I have a target AA and rebalance once a year.
- I am under 59.5, so pulling from taxable account for living expenses (instead of IRAs).
- The taxable account has bonds and CDs, as well as equity MFs. [Used to also have bond MFs but went to individual bonds/CDs as interest rates started rising. May switch partially or fully back at some point; that's a different discussion.]
- Taxable account MF distributions and bond/CD interest goes into the sweep account (VMFXX).
- I pull from the sweep account once per month to fund next month's expenses.
- So I do look at expected interest from bonds and CDs and expected distributions from MFs and compare that to living expenses. Shortfall is taken from the sweep account - MFs have capital gains and I am managing ACA MAGI - yes, I am aware that below a certain threshold the cap gains tax rate is 0%.
- What I don't do is invest in equities with the intention of living off of the interest and never selling shares. The interest and distributions fall out naturally from the taxable account AA portion.