preferred music streaming service ??

Tried paid Amazon Music for a while. Previously we had Spotify Family, but our sponsor exited the plan. Lol.
All my music was purchased and stored in iTunes. I don’t listen to any streaming service.
I'm cheap but also I've paid for the same music several times already in the from of records, tapes, and CD's.

Now they want me to pay a monthly fee?

No, take a hike.
I think if you’re mainly into music that you already own, then yes, it’s hardly worth it to pay for a music subscription. But if you enjoy newer music, or new releases from your favorite artists, then streaming the new albums instead of buying them is very convenient.
I added up all dollars spent by me on music -- vinyl, tape, and cds.

Subtracted the value of all music downloaded by the kids through Napster, etc.

I am plus a significant dollar amount.
I think if you’re mainly into music that you already own, then yes, it’s hardly worth it to pay for a music subscription. But if you enjoy newer music, or new releases from your favorite artists, then streaming the new albums instead of buying them is very convenient.
That won't cover everyone. There's also people that don't own all the music that they like, but it's NOT newer music. I don't care much about any music that's come out in the last decade or so, but I don't own all the good stuff from the old days.
We have a family plan with Apple and with it get Apple Music (for wife and I), shared iCloud 200GB storage, Apple TV, and gaming (which is irrelevant to us).
My neighbor is a hard core audiophile, literally has 2 systems at well over 200k each.
He uses Qboz connected to his laptop.
Qboz !
The free version of Pandora. I like the way they toss int their own ‘similar’ music when I play my favorite artists. I’ve discovered some good music from my middle age that I never knew existed.
Same here, re: discovering new music from the nudges Pandora delivers. I’m a long-time user of the Premium Pandora without ads. That, plus around 50 GB of legally copied music from the old CD collection I gave away and I’m good to go, lol
Family has shared an Amazon Unlimited Music account for several years - $17 per month. Extensive library of music and if you’re an audiophile, many albums are available at 24 bits and higher sampling rates. Also as the account holder I have free access to Audible audiobooks. No complaints but of course wish it were cheaper
Got about 10 new CDs between my B-day and Christmas at the end of this year. Ripped them into iTunes on my computer to add to the 25,000+ songs that are already in there.
Still using iPods to listen to all that music at w*rk, while walking on the treadmill, and while in my truck.

My newest complaint: The cardboard sleeves that new CDs come in do not fit in my CaseLogic™ CD organizer trays. Here is a photo showing the difference in size:View attachment 53529.
Dang. I just donated about 100 new jewel cases to the local GoodWill. Used to use them for CD-Rs and DVD-Rs for computer backup, but that has gone the way of the dinosaur too. I recommend checking thrifts in your area or FB marketplace to see if you can find empty jewel cases and then retrofit the new sleeves into them.
We have a Spotify family plan. Good price and licenses for my wife, my three adult/college kids, and myself. Easy playlist creation, and super easy to share playlists across users. My wife and I frequently jam to one of the kids' "oldies" playlists. :cool:
Dang. I just donated about 100 new jewel cases to the local GoodWill. Used to use them for CD-Rs and DVD-Rs for computer backup, but that has gone the way of the dinosaur too. I recommend checking thrifts in your area or FB marketplace to see if you can find empty jewel cases and then retrofit the new sleeves into them.
DW & I were just talking about this. She found new jewel cases on Amazon in packs of 10 or 25. The problem is that the new sleeves do not fit into jewel cases unless I hack them up with a pair of scissors. I did that in the past with CD singles (remember them?) and regretted it. So for now, I'm just keeping the oddball new ones just standing up in front of the storage racks.
I use Pandora - free version. I love it. I create my own stations and love that I can "tune" them to what I like by giving the thumbs up or thumbs down button. I love how the service introduces me to new music that aligns with my style.

Ditto. I’ve tried Spotify and Amazon, but always go back to Pandora. When I was working super-long hours, I paid for Spotify to avoid the ads while concentrating. Now that I’m not working, the ads are not as annoying.
Apple Music, Pandora and SiriusXM. DW also gets a year free of Spotify and SiriusXM with her new car. Neither of us have good enough hearing to worry about quality of sound.
The worst thing about buying CD's or vinyl was that you end up with a lot of songs you never listen to, there are exceptions but most of the CD's I have I only like 2-3 songs on the CD. Just got a notice from Amazon that my Music Unlimited subscription is increasing by 10% for the next annual billing. I had Apple music and thought the audio quality of Amazon Music is better.
The worst thing about buying CD's or vinyl was that you end up with a lot of songs you never listen to, there are exceptions but most of the CD's I have I only like 2-3 songs on the CD.
DW feels the same way. But I feel different about this. I still buy CDs, although not as many as in the past. I own about 750 actual discs, but I have over 25,000 songs in my digital "library" (iTunes) on my laptop. (due to actual CD sharing from friends and cow*rkers over the last few decades of us having computers and being able to swap them between us and upload albums to our computers) Of those 25,000, I have a few different playlists of varying sizes, but my go-to playlist has about 2,200 of my "favorites" from all of those CDs.

The past few years, I've been able to listen to music at my j*b 4 days a week. (4-10s) I'm very lucky to w*rk in a little department with cow*rkers who share a somewhat similar taste in music, and a strong similar attitude that listening to good music helps make the day more productive and also enjoyable. We have a good quality speaker in our area that I keep my iPod plugged in to, but it also has Bluetooth so others can connect to it with their phones.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we usually listen to playlists set to random or shuffle, so we don't know what's next, but it's usually something one of us knows. Sometimes the Spotify playlists will play something "similar" to what we know, but haven't heard before, and we'll find a new song or album to add to our collection.

On Thursdays, however, we have "Full Album Thursdays", where we take turns picking out an entire album to listen to from start to finish. I find that this is a way to rediscover songs one may have forgotten about that were good, but not popular enough to be on the radio, and left off of any playlists. I usually try to think of 2 or 3 albums even before I go in for the day. Sometimes a cow*rker's choice will lead to something popping into my head that I haven't heard in a long time so I'll put that one on next. Sometimes we have themes for the day, like live albums, debut albums, or female lead vocalists, etc.

Many times I have to write down a song name, either from my own choice of CD or a cow*rker's choice, that I really like, and want to hear more often. Then, when I get home, I can open up iTunes on my computer and add that that song to one of my playlists.
I still have my collection of perhaps 1000 CDs but I mostly tune in Youtube.
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