I voted for Bush, celebrated when he finally one, and it has all been downhill since then....my thing with politics is fiscal conservatism...and Bush has turned out to be anything but....spending faster than anyone in history, racking up trillions of dollars in debt...and I have become truly disgusted with the man, and the party...I may never vote republican again after what I have witnessed (and upto this point have never even once voted democrat).
I HOPE Bush loses...I really do. But I won't for for Kerry. If Kerry wins, despite what the republican spin machine tries to tell you, it will result in more fiscal responsibility, not less...not because Kerry is fiscally responsible but because the republican house/senate will suddenly decide that spending should be kept in check, and all of a sudden defecits will matter and they will be reluctant to give Kerry much of anything he wants...gridlock; just the way I like it.
Its a piss-poor choice, usually is; best I can hope for is a split government that does nothing but keep each other in check...right now all 3 feet are on the gas pedal (spending), and nobody is got their foot on the brake.