

Confused about dryer sheets
Aug 6, 2005
Any opinions out there about Priamerica and their funds, expenses and sales pitch. Are they worth going with even w/ high expenses fees etc..
No, Priamarica is not worth the loads or fees. For your own sake invest at a decent no-load fund group such as Vanguard, Fidelity, or T Rowe Price, or buy ETF's.  Read this board and the related posts and you should pick up some decent ideas.
LEX said:
No, Priamarica is not worth the loads or fees. For your own sake invest at a decent no-load fund group such as Vanguard, Fidelity, or T Rowe Price, or buy ETF's.  Read this board and the related posts and you should pick up some decent ideas.
:) :D :LOL:
I read this post when I logged on a few hours ago and started to respond. I was trying to think of a gentle way to say this. But I think LEX captured my thoughts pretty well. :) :D :LOL:
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