Problem w/ and Safari on Mac


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 30, 2006
I had been using Chrome on the Mac w/o any issues. Due to the recent problem attributed to an older version of Chrome, I switched today to Safari. However an warning message pops up whenever I first get on the site:

"Safari can't verify the identity of the website " The certificate is
invalid. Site might be attempting to connect you to a website pretending to be
that site ,etc."

No other site (so far) shows that message but shows it all the time
in the beginning. If I click cancel on that message , it goes away.

Any ideas what is going on?

The message also came up when I submitted this post. Also when clicking on
the tab "New Posts"
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How odd.

I am writing this using Safari on my iPad, with no pop up like that, or problem. So I guess it is not Safari. No problem on my Windows 10 Dell, using Edge. Hmm. Maybe that URL was from an ad that isn't showing now? Otherwise I have no ideas.
I use Safari on MacOS all the time on this site and have never seen that.

However, based on the attempted redirect it looks like that site is related to the annoying prize pop up window I used to get on my iPad before in blocked ads.

So it’s suspicious.

But I haven’t seen it on my Mac.
Hey Kaneohe, I discovered that if you Google this phrase:

what is

there is a lot of discussion about it on many different sites. Apparently it is a common problem with Safari on Macs and people talk about solutions they have found.
Thanks for the data points. This is one of those interesting issues.........X says no problems here (so it must be you) and U says no other site does it (so it must be that site) it must be some combo, I guess.

Thanks, W2R..............I'll go borrow somebody's computer and check that out.
Kinda worried about clicking on the wrong site and making things worse. The wonders of the throw out this wild lure and somebody picks it up and finds the answer! My first click this AM too.......maybe I should buy a Lotto ticket too.
I had been using Chrome on the Mac w/o any issues. Due to the recent problem attributed to an older version of Chrome, I switched today to Safari. However an warning message pops up whenever I first get on the site:

"Safari can't verify the identity of the website " The certificate is
invalid. Site might be attempting to connect you to a website pretending to be
that site ,etc."

No other site (so far) shows that message but shows it all the time
in the beginning. If I click cancel on that message , it goes away.

Any ideas what is going on?

The message also came up when I submitted this post. Also when clicking on
the tab "New Posts"

Looks like you have some unwanted, undesirable adware... you can disable extensions or remove. (latter would be preferable)

Scroll down to the last help topic: If you might have installed adware or other unwanted software on your Mac
Thanks, W2R..............I'll go borrow somebody's computer and check that out.
Kinda worried about clicking on the wrong site and making things worse.
Yeah, well, had you Googled it you would have discovered that the very first site given is at apple dot com, just like Janet's link. So unless you are worried about going to that site, then either Janet's or my post to you might be a good start in figuring out what to do. Good luck!

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