Question about banking services


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Jan 31, 2008
I have an account at WaMu (gonna close it this week). Went in a branch and asked them to notarize a document. They refused - said they only notarized WaMu originated docs.

This is a first for me - banks always notarize. One of the reasons to do business with a brick and mortar vs internet bank.

Am I behind the times here or is WaMu full of it?

I can see where theyre coming from. From their standpoint it's a liability that they get nothing for.
I have an account at WaMu (gonna close it this week). Went in a branch and asked them to notarize a document. They refused - said they only notarized WaMu originated docs.

This is a first for me - banks always notarize. One of the reasons to do business with a brick and mortar vs internet bank.

Am I behind the times here or is WaMu full of it?

Don't know but I'm about to find out. Next week I'm going to open a checking account at WaMu. Why? Because they sent me a $100 coupon if I open an account there. Thought it might be interesting to fund that account with monies I garnered when GM eliminated my health care coverage. I gained (?) about $435 per month in my pension check so I'm taking that money and starting a separate account to pay any expenses that come up in 2009 such as prescription drugs, copays at the doc, dental and vision. My main account is at Bank of America where my pension is direct deposited. I do all my banking on-line so the first of the month I'll electronic transfer $435 to WaMu. I have a WaMu branch close so I'll use them for other minor banking needs also.
I had plenty of stuff notarized at B of A last year, no questions asked. Didn't even check to see if I had an account. I suppose they're all different, but that is one reason I still have an account there.
Banks have provided notary services forever as a "service" to their depositors, not as any requirement of their operation. Now there's not the same call for notary services in branch systems - I had to go to 3 separate branches of my bricks-and-mortar bank last month to find one. It's also why I continue to pay to renew my notary license in retirement...probably couldn't pass the test again!

Sounds like WaMu's made a policy decision on the matter; yet another reason to scout the competition?
WaMu has notorized all kinds of documents for their customers for years. I've had plenty of Non-WaMu documents notarized by them. You might try a different branch.
With all the turnover at WAMU I'd be amazed if they are able to have a Notary at every branch. Around here, you can go to AAA, most CPA,s our HO assn.

With all the HO Mort fraud, I'd be surprised if a bunch of notaries aren't getting sued, and insurace rates for the coverage for notaries going way up.
I have an account at WaMu (gonna close it this week). Went in a branch and asked them to notarize a document. They refused - said they only notarized WaMu originated docs.

This is a first for me - banks always notarize. One of the reasons to do business with a brick and mortar vs internet bank.

Am I behind the times here or is WaMu full of it?


This is absurd. Get another bank. B of A is the one I use, and they do it and Medallion Stamps as well.

I have NEVER found a CU that would not do it! Since I do not have a local CU here I have to use DD Bank (5/3d OHIO) and they never refuse it even tho I do not have an account there - I guess they do it for me as a service for DD.
My primary bank is USAA. Because we spend the year in different locations and occasionally need a notary or signature guarantee, we looked for a brick and mortar with branches where we spent most of our time. BoA was our first choice but when we went in to open, the 3 new account specialists were too busy drinking coffee and telling weekend stories to help us, so we went to WaMu.

After the WaMu rejection I found out that Fidelity notarizes and provides signature guarantee. Decision made.

This was the first time a bank branch declined to provide notary services, and I was wondering if others thought it strange as well.

I can see where theyre coming from. From their standpoint it's a liability that they get nothing for.

What liability? All the Notary does is verify that the document is what it says it is -- the person who signed it is real, for instance. The Notary is not validating the contents of the document. In fact, I have known people to cover all but the signature area when presenting it to the Notary.
A while back we needed a document notarized, so we went to a small, local bank to see about getting it done. We weren't even a customer of theirs, but they notarized it for free without even checking to see if we were a customer.
Medallion signature guarantee holds more weight than a notary. A lot of banks are cutting back on this service because it is a hassle with all the new banking regs since 9/11.........
I have an account at WaMu (gonna close it this week). Went in a branch and asked them to notarize a document. They refused - said they only notarized WaMu originated docs.

This is a first for me - banks always notarize. One of the reasons to do business with a brick and mortar vs internet bank.

Am I behind the times here or is WaMu full of it?


Might be something realting to your state.... from what I understand, in Texas a notary can not refuse to notarize something... they can charge you a fee, but can not refuse...
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