Net Worth Excluding Real Estate and Personal Property
06/20/2017 - $1,205k
10/02/2017 - $1,273k - Nice little quarter, I would say.
1/1/2018 - $1,354k - Still headed in the right direction. Let's see what 2018 has to offer.
4/1/2018 - $1,398k - Smaller increase this quarter as the market hasn't helped. Luckily my contributions more than made up for the lack of market returns.
07/02/2018 - $1,461k - Q2 was similar story to Q1. Moving in the right direction though.
10/01/2018 - $1,537k
01/01/2019 - $1,328k - Ouch, what a terrible December
04/01/2019 - $1,520k - Q1 got back much of what Q4 lost!
07/01/2019 - $1,576k - Nice quarter and a new high. Still chugging along.
10/01/2019 - $1,594k - While I'm way up from January. I'm not that far up from same period prior year. But, I'll keep piling it in and hope the market helps me along the way.
01/01/2020 - $1,729 - Excellent Q4 for 2019, which more than made up for Q4 2018. Here's hoping 2020 brings more of the same.
04/01/2020 - $1,453k - Wow, the last 3 weeks have been brutal. Down $276k from last quarter and $67k from last year!
07/01/2020 - $1,763k - Amazing that this market has been so resilient and I am grateful for it. However, I am still expecting a W recovery, at best. All the money that was lost in Q2 is gone forever, unemployment is still extremely high and our deficits are out of control. You all may have even seen in a different thread that I have recently purchased October SPY puts with the thought that once Q2 earnings are realized and valuations are proven to be out of whack, we'll have a retest.
10/01/2020 - $1,948k - Well, those SPY puts haven't worked out so well. Finally closed them out at a loss a few weeks back. Anyway, another good, yet mystifying quarter. I did a separate thread where I celebrated eclipsing $2M. That lasted for about 2 days and I still haven't gotten back. Hopefully for the year end update I'll make it. Considering where my portfolio was on March 23, this update is really remarkable.
01/01/2021 - $2,194k - What an absolute mess of a year. While very thankful for how my portfolio performed, it is completely illogical. While the rest of the world was burning down, stocks marched higher. I'm fearful that 2021 takes it all back. That being said, I hope I am once again wrong, as doing so seems to be very profitable... And, I wish you all a very Happy New Year and Cheers to (fingers crossed) life getting back to normal
04/02/2021 - $2,422k - Was travelling yesterday so missed the 4/1 balance. Up nearly $1M from one year ago....freaking amazing. Being so close to my number, $3M, I'm wondering if I should start to adjust my allocation to a more conservative approach. Current I'm something like 83/8/9. On the one hand, it's what got me here so if it ain't broke don't fix it, on the other hand, I don't want to see it go away in a correction. I'm young enough that I could continue to w*rk for a couple more years if needed, but I don't really want to. Also, now seems like the worst time to buy bonds. No clue what to do. Anyway, hope you all had a nice quarter, as well
07/05/2021 - $2,704k - Another amazing quarter. Of course owning NVDA has helped. Still worried about a pull back. Being so close to my number with still some years left has me nervous, not wanting to give it all back.
10/01/2021 - $2,672k - It was a rough last few weeks. High for the Q was actually $2,792.
01/01/2022 - $2,985k Really nice year; even hit the $3M mark a couple times in the last few months. Just bought a vacation home, so about $100k of this is now gone per Dec 28th, but being so close to the end of the year, I just left it in to keep 2021 clean. Original goal was $3M; with inflation I'm thinking I might need to up that to $3.5M or $4M
04/01/2022 - $2,899k Rough quarter plus I removed some funds for the vacation home I mentioned last quarter. But, Q1 finished better than it looked like it was going to a few weeks ago. So, cheers to that. Here's hoping for a better Q2.
07/01/2022 - $2,409k Very rough quarter. Basically back to where I was April of 2021. Here's hoping for a better second half
10/01/2022 - $2,294k Still going the wrong direction. Considering inflation, war in Europe, etc, etc. we may be in for a long recession. No worries. We've been through this before in '01/'02 and '08/'09 so we can get through it again.
01/01/2023 - $2,502k Got some of what we've lost back. Here's looking at a more profitable 2023. Happy New Year, everyone!
04/01/2023 - $2,906k Nice Q1! Still below all-time high, but working our way back there. Also, still reviewing wether I need to up our target number and wether to adjust our AA to a more conservative approach. Getting too close to the end to have the sequence of return risk that we went through in 2022.
07/01/2023 - $3,213k This is our first quarter that has ended over the $3M mark, all thanks to NVDA. Finally for the first time in 13 years had to sell some as it was becoming way too large a % of our portfolio
10/03/2023 - $3,132k Slightly down this quarter. Would be up quite a bit more had I not sold the NVDA, but no looking back, it was too risky of a % of our NW considering where we are in this journey. Also, nothing wrong with getting over 5% on a huge chunk of cash!
01/01/2024 - $3,453k Really nice run at the end of the year and this is with nearly $900k in money market! We have exceeded our original target ($3M), but have increased it to $4M recently due to inflation. Also, as mentioned in other posts, to line up with DD's high school graduation 06/25 and one final bonus 03/26, I'm targeting a 4/26 exit date. One other big factor is when our company will go public. I have a large portion of stock that is basically illiquid until we go public. It's too much to walk away from, but signs seem to point to this year, so we'll see.
04/01/2024 - $3,695k Another decent quarter and still sitting on a ton of cash.

07/02/2024 - $3,752k - Eke'd up a bit. Fairly tame quarter.
10/01/2024 - $3,991k - Oh, so close to $4M! Really good quarter considering that I am sitting on nearly $1M in cash. Really need my company to hurry up and go public so I can cash that out and put in my notice!