Race to 2024 - please join :)

01/01/2025 - $4.196k - Got a little help from some small inheritences. Looking like 2026 for me with some things happening at work that I can't walk away from. Happy New Year, everyone!
Amazing results, congratulations!!! Can totally relate to 2026 - that is our new FIRE date also.
Q1 2016 - 31.8% of our target, have a lot of heavy lifting to do in order to get ready for 2024 FIRE
Q2 2016 - 32.9% (+1.1%) of the target NW, very encouraged by the progress, looking forward to join 2 comma club this year.
Q3 2016 - 34.2% (+1.3%) of target, and finally joined two comma club
Q4 2016 - 35.6% (+1.4%) so far so good
Q1 2017 - 37.7% (+2.1%) big news - payed off house and have zero debt now. Markets have been hot during Q1 - that helped a lot
Q2 2017 - 39.6% (+1.9%) chugging along, hoping to cross 40% by end of July
Q3 2017 - 41.6% (+2.0%) - yey! looking forward to the midpoint of the race
Q4 2017 - 43.9% (+2.3%) that was blockbuster year, hope to have more of those going forward !!!
Q1 2018 - 44.9% (+1.0%) not bad
Q2 2018 - 46.5% (+1.6%) nice quarter!
Q3 2018 - 49.7% (+3.2%) looking forward to cross half-way mark this year!
Q4 2018 - 47.1% (-2.6%) terrible December killed that quarter, still positive for the year though
Q1 2019 - 51.1% (+4.0%) yey!!! Finally crossed half way mark
Q2 2019 - 53.2% (+2.1%) have exactly 5 years to go according to original plan
Q3 2019 - 55.0% (+1.8%) still racing
Q4 2019 - 57.9% (+2.9%) for the full 2019 our NW went up by 10.8% of the target and we beat year end estimate by $112k
Q1 2020 - 52.8% (-5.1%) At this point we are just happy to have our paychecks and that we both can work from home.
Q2 2020 - 59.6% (+6.8%) thankful for Q2 market gains and also believe we will see one more leg down before full recovery to February highs.
Q3 2020 - 63.7% (+4.1%) this year is shaping up to be interesting
Q4 2020 - 67.6% (+3.9%) crossed $2M mark on out NW, not complaining at all
Q1 2021 - 70.0% (+2.4%) nice small milestone!
Q2 2021 - 73.9% (+3.9%)
Q3 2021 - 74.4% (+0.5%) green for the quarter - that what counts
Q4 2021 - 78.7% (+4.3%) six years of racing here
Q1 2022 - 77.2% (-1.5%) slightly down, will see how it will go this year ...
Q2 2022 - 70.4% (-6.8%) rough quarter and we are back to Q1 2021
Q3 2022 - 68.2% (-2.2%) not as bad as was previous Q, but still red. To be fair it is not all that bad as we can buy cheap now*
Q4 2022 - 72.1% (+3.9%) finally some gains, but stull red for the year. Looking forward leave those red quarters behind in 2023 !!!
Q1 2023 - 75.8% (+3.7%) slowly recovering from the 2022 losses, looks like OMY is in books for us - class of 2025 or even 2026 if inflation will continue to bite.
Q2 2023 - 80.4% (+4.7%) we hit all time high at $2,413k, still behind but slowly closing those gaps between current state and 2 target lines.
Q3 2023- 79.3% (-1.1%) down again, looks like 2024 FIRE will not materialize, oh well, OMY - here we go, Exit 2025 here
Q4 2023 - 86% (+6.8%) we hit all time high at $2,581k, still behind but moving in the right direction. Due to inflation we are changing original target of $3M total NW to $3M excluding RE and as of today new FIRE date looks like end of 2025 or first half of 2026.
Q1 2024 - 91.6% (+5.6%) we hit all time high this quarter again at $2,748k and still might make original target by end of the year. But as now target moved to $3M without RE - our tentative FIRE date moved to End 2025-Mid 2026.
Q2 2024 - 93.1% (+1.5%) mild quarter for us, but hit all time high again at $2,794k. End of this Q was our originally planned FIRE date but we did not hit original target, but that is OK, we are chugging along
Q3 2024 - 99.4% (+6.35%) HUGE quarter put us at just slightly short of the original $3M target for total NW as we ended at $2,981. New target is $3M investable and we are at $2,659 or 88.6%.

Q4 2024 - 101.9% (+2.5%) good quarter and we crossed our original $3M target for total NW!!! Due to the multiple issues moved our FIRE to the end of 2026, hope we will be well above $3M investable, not total NW as it is stands today.
Cross-posting this here to get in on the record for 2024. :)

Yesterday (20 Dec 2024) was my last day. I'm officially out at 49 years old. Today I updated our numbers, and we sit at over $1.8m investable assets and over $2.1m net worth. Based on the 4% rule we can safely withdraw over $6,100 per month, and based on Firecalc we can safely withdraw over $4,900 for 45 years with 100% success rate. Our actual withdrawals will almost certainly be well below those numbers, but I'll be keeping a detailed budget in 2025 to know exactly what we're spending (and adjust accordingly).

Those numbers also don't account for any income we have moving forward, and we will continue to have income. My side gig throws about $500 in profit each month, and my wife is going to continue to work for a while (she's 4 years younger than me). I also have a pension coming when I turn 60, and then of course Social Security when we hit 62.

We should be able to live comfortably in terms of money. Now I'm focused on living well and making a positive impact on the world around me.
Cross-posting this here to get in on the record for 2024. :)

Yesterday (20 Dec 2024) was my last day. I'm officially out at 49 years old. Today I updated our numbers, and we sit at over $1.8m investable assets and over $2.1m net worth. Based on the 4% rule we can safely withdraw over $6,100 per month, and based on Firecalc we can safely withdraw over $4,900 for 45 years with 100% success rate. Our actual withdrawals will almost certainly be well below those numbers, but I'll be keeping a detailed budget in 2025 to know exactly what we're spending (and adjust accordingly).

Those numbers also don't account for any income we have moving forward, and we will continue to have income. My side gig throws about $500 in profit each month, and my wife is going to continue to work for a while (she's 4 years younger than me). I also have a pension coming when I turn 60, and then of course Social Security when we hit 62.

We should be able to live comfortably in terms of money. Now I'm focused on living well and making a positive impact on the world around me.
I'm jealous! I just hit 50, but I have four pre-college kids at home and wife is SAHM. I will plug away for another five years, but could likely pull the plug earlier. I like your focus!
Investments and cash 86.4%, including RE cash flow 139.2%

t-IRA/401(k): 27%
Roth IRA:29%
Brokerage/Cash: 10%
Rental RE Equity: 21%
Home/Cabin Equity: 13%
What a year!
$4M net worth, $2.64M investments
Goal attainment 90% Investments only, 143% goal attainment investments and RE cash flow.

t-IRA/401(k): 27%
Roth IRA: 30%
Brokerage/Cash: 10%
Rental RE Equity: 20%
Home/Cabin Equity: 13%
I'm jealous! I just hit 50, but I have four pre-college kids at home and wife is SAHM. I will plug away for another five years, but could likely pull the plug earlier. I like your focus!
Anecdotally speaking, it seems like kids add about 10 years to most people's FIRE plans. It looks like you're going to go sooner than that based on your numbers.

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