RAY LIOTTA - Dead at 67 - RIP Ray

Bummer, and only 67. I liked a lot of his movies.

Another early death. Say no to OMY.
Loved him in Goodfellas.
R.I.P. Ray. His "funny guy" scene with Joe Pesci in Goodfellas was so chilling. Here's the clip but be warned the language is foul:
So sad. He's one of my favorites. He could play mean and scary. And extremely likable and fun. I loved his smile.
R.I.P. Ray. His "funny guy" scene with Joe Pesci in Goodfellas was so chilling. Here's the clip but be warned the language is foul:

That scene was completely ad-lib. Martin Scorsese and Joe Pesci agreed to do it without the other actors knowing.
I appreciated his performances in Hannibal (creep!) and of course, as Shoeless Joe in Field Of Dreams.
So sad, and fairly young at 67.
I remember him from way back on the soap opera "Another World".
Yes, it's too bad he never got to FIRE. He was always believable in all his roles. RIP
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