Re: Retiring at 33, where to invest the money?
I agree that as long as handguns are readily available to felons, that sane adults should have the right to carry them. Not that it will actually be of much practical benefit, because the bad guys always draw first, but if that makes people feel more secure, that should be their right.
However, I'm conservative enough to understand and believe in the original intent of the Second Amendment. It was passed to allow individuals the right to own and carry firearms, for the purpose of defending themselves against both other individuals, and tyrannical governments.
But the "arms" that the founders were talking about, for practical purposes, meant single shot muskets and rifles. It was the ultimate form of democracy -- one man, one shot. Handguns were practically irrelevant because hardly anyone used them, for the practical reason that their single shot could not be delivered accurately.
If the founders had been asked whether the "right to bear arms" should include hand grenades, machine guns, rocket launchers, and rapid fire concealable handguns, I seriously believe that they would have been more explicit in excluding those types of anti-democratic tools for mass killing. Fortunately, they were sufficiently wise to design the Constitution in a way that it could be reinterpreted to fit changing circumstances.